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Notes on The Uses of Sulphates

Sulphates are the most important inorganic compound in the sulphuric acid chemical family group and Sulphates are formed from the salts of sulphuric acid. There are many functions and uses of Sulphates.

Sulphates are inorganic compounds formed from the salts of sulphuric acid and they are connected to the sulphuric acid family group. There are many examples of sulphate such as Magnesium Sulphate, Calcium Sulphate, iron sulphates, sodium Sulphate, etc. There are many uses of these sulphates in the daily life of human beings. For instance, Calcium Sulphate is used to make plaster of Paris that is used in the construction of buildings, houses, and statues. Sodium Sulphate is used in chemical industries like it is the main ingredient in the production of clothes washing detergents. Magnesium Sulphate is used to regulate the low blood range of magnesium. Iron sulphates are used in the production of medicines that can cure the deficiency of iron in the body. 

Functions of Sulphates in the Body 

Sulphates and different forms of sulphates are used in the daily life of people. There are lots of functions of sulphates in the everyday life of the human body. One function of sulphates in the body can be that iron sulphates are used to cure the deficiency of iron in the body and save the body from harmful iron deficiency diseases. Another function of sulphates in the body could be that public water supplies consist of copper Sulphate and if this water is consumed directly by people, then this sulphur can go inside the human body and can at times harm the body. 

Uses Of Copper Sulphate 

Copper Sulphate is one example of Sulphates which is an inorganic compound having the chemical formula as CaSO4(H2O) x, here ranges from O to 5. Copper Sulphate is generally produced by treating copper metal with Holt concentrated sulphuric acid along with dilute sulphuric acid.  Commercial copper Sulphate mainly contains 98% of pure copper Sulphate and few amounts of water in it. There are many uses of Copper Sulphate. They are as follows: – 

  • The first use of copper Sulphate is in the making of fungicide and herbicide. Copper Sulphate is used as fungicides. A compound named Cheshunt compound made from Copper Sulphate and ammonium carbonate mixture is used in the horticulture industry to save damping of seedlings. 
  • Copper Sulphate is highly used in rayon production industries. Rayon is soft cloth material used to make dresses and clothes. For making this cloth material copper Sulphate is used in this industry. 
  • The application of Copper Sulphate in the Niche industry was prominent long ago. Copper Sulphate is a very important ingredient in the book printing and art industries. Copper Sulphate is highly used as an ingredient in artworks, especially in glasses and potteries. Copper Sulphate is also used in the fireworks industry. 
  • Other uses of copper Sulphate includes dyeing, electronics making, and etching. 

Uses of Magnesium Sulphate 

Magnesium Sulphate is an inorganic compound that is an example of Sulphates with the chemical formula as MgSO4 . Magnesium Sulphate is an organically occurring mineral that is used to regulate the low blood pressure of magnesium. Magnesium Sulphate is naturally found in dry lake beds and other natural sources. There are other uses of magnesium Sulphate. Such as it is injected into the vein through muscles or mouth, it is used in remedial baths, barium poisoning, constipation, etc. Magnesium Sulphate is generally present in some kinds of mineral waters too. 


Uses of Sulphates is a very important concept of chemistry and questions from this Concept often come in not only in board examinations but also come in competitive exams like UPSC examinations. This article will at the starting show the functions of sulphates in the human body the article also briefly shows and explains the uses of magnesium Sulphate and Copper Sulphate. Magnesium Sulphate and Copper Sulphate are two examples of sulphate. Sulphates are formed from the salts of sulphuric acid and they are connected to the sulphuric acid family group.


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