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Knowing More On Precautions While Experimenting With Potash Alum

Potash alum crystal is a mineral found in both pure and impure forms in nature. It is formed from alumina ore, a mineral salt. It is extracted from scrap aluminium ore in Nepal, Bihar, Punjab, and the Kathiawar region and then the preparation of potash alum from scrap aluminium is done. It has a sweetish astringent flavour and is colourless, transparent, and odourless. It can be found in various pharmacological, cosmetic, and culinary items. It has a strong astringent component. It is available in four colours: white, green, yellow, and red.

Alum’s Chemical Composition

Potash Alum crystal comprises potassium, aluminium, sulphur, and oxygen. The name potassium aluminium sulphate can also refer to it. White is called phitkari, green is called Heera kasees, yellow is called kasees, and red is called surkh phitkari. It requires certain experiments to prepare a pure sample of potash alum in laboratories.

The Process To Prepare A Pure Sample Of Potash Alum

KAl(SO4)2.12H2O is the formula for potash alum. It is made by crystallising alum from a concentrated solution of equimolar quantities of potassium sulphate and aluminium sulphate. It has a sour flavour and is colourless and crystalline. Potash alum crystals are octahedral. 

To avoid the hydrolysis of aluminium sulphate, a small quantity of dilute sulfuric acid is added when dissolving it in warm water.

There is a separation through salt when a solution containing two inorganic salts in a certain proportion is allowed to crystallise while trying to prepare a pure sample of potash alum. The particular series of double salts are known as alum. Aluminium is the most plentiful metal, and recycling of aluminium goods by melting and recasting into other metal products is employed to create numerous aluminium compounds. Potash alum crystals are one of the most beneficial chemicals in this regard. In preparation, a certain method is required to be performed.

Materials And Procedure Required To Prepare A Pure Sample Of Potash Alum


  • Make a beaker with a capacity of 250 mL. 

  • After washing it, add 2.5 g potassium sulphate crystals to it. 

  • Pour with roughly 20 mL of water. To dissolve the granules, stir vigorously. If necessary, warm.

  • Transfer 10 g aluminium sulphate crystals to the other 250 ml beaker after washing it with water.

  • To inhibit hydrolysis of aluminium sulphate, add around 20 mL of water and 1 mL of dil sulphuric acid. Five minutes on high heat. If the milkiness remains, filter the solution.

  • Combine the two solutions in a china dish and set it on a wire-gauze over a burner. Using a glass rod, stir the solution. 

  • Concentrate the solution until it reaches the crystallisation point. Place the dish on top of a beaker holding cold water.

  • Eventually, the crystals of potash alum separate. Remove the mother liquor and rinse the crystals with tiny ice-cold water.

  • Place the potash alum crystals between filter paper pads or spread them on a porous plate to dry.


  • To prevent aluminium sulphate hydrolysis, dilute sulphuric acid should be added while making the saturated solution.

  • Do not disrupt the solution during crystallisation.

  • Always use warm water to dissolve salts.

  • The concentrated solution should be gradually chilled.

Benefits Of Potash Alum Crystals

Alum’s Platelet Benefits:  The antiplatelet activity of alum was studied in an animal model in terms of platelet aggregation and bleeding time. Alum injection dramatically reduces platelet aggregation. After getting an alum injection, it also took substantially longer for an animal model to bleed. The study’s outcomes imply that alum might be employed as an antiplatelet drug.

Alum Benefits for Obesity: Oral intake of potash alum led to substantial decreases in body weight, food intake, serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, and high-density lipoproteins in an obese animal model. This shows that it has an anti-obesity impact. 

Alum’s Contraceptive Impact: Aqueous alum solutions can destroy or render the sperms completely immotile depending on the alum content. 

Alum Benefits for Stomatitis (Inflamed Mouth): Antibiotics, pain relievers, and other medications can induce recurrent stomatitis. The topical application of alum can manage this alignment. It is useful in treating stomatitis and can be used in conjunction with honey.


There has been no research on the safety of alum on pregnant or nursing women. As a result, it should only be used under supervision and guidance. There has been no study on the safe use of alum in youngsters. So it should be used after consultation with a doctor. T There is not a lot of data on how alum interacts with other drugs. As a result, people should see a doctor before using alum if they take any other medication or supplement.


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