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Key Notes On The Atomic Scale

The article provides the meaning of the atom along with the meaning of protons, neutrons and electrons. Along with the meaning of the atom, the meaning of the atomic scale is also provided in brief.

Atoms consist of a heavy nucleus. The atoms are made up of positively charged particles and negatively charged particles. The particles that are positively charged are known as protons and neutrons. The protons, as well as the neutrons, are placed in the middle portion of the atom- nucleus. The electrons and the nucleus revolve around the nucleus. The atomic particles that are slightly charged negatively are known as electrons. The atomic particles with higher energy like the ions, photons, or electrons can terminate the electrons from them and can turn them into ions. The atomic particles consist of various particles. Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon. 1.6726 x 10-27kg is the mass of one proton. On the other hand, the electron weighs 1/1836.15 of that of a proton. The atomic-scale unit is an entity (ent). 

The theory of quantum mechanics and the structure of the atom is of the era of Democritus. It is Democritus, the first man on the planet to state that the composition of matter is full of atoms. During the year of the 1800s, it was John Dalton, who proposed the scientific theory of the structure of the atom.

The laws of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics govern a very large number of atoms and molecules. The systems of nanoscale ranging approximately from 1nm to 100nm many a time represent behaviour that is peculiar in nature. Such a behaviour is not an easy task to predict as the various number of atoms in the systems is many a time very large for a mechanical description of an adequate quantum (but there is already a presence of a collective phenomenon of some kind in such systems). These are too small for application in the thermodynamic laws and the laws of statistical mechanics.  

What is the atomic scale?

The atomic scale can be termed as the total number of specific substances n/N the amount of one entity. 

The use of atomic-scale takes place to investigate the property of the materials and to achieve those purposes that cannot be achieved by the techniques of experiments or by the other means of the theoretical method. The atomic-scale modelling of surfaces and bulk materials is one of the important areas in the stream of research of the solid-state branch of physics.


The study of atoms has been going on for a very long period. Starting in the year of 1800s by the researcher John Dalton, the theory then took on various turns and has been proposed by various scientists. The atomic-scale is another important concept of chemistry and is been useful in various branches of our day-to-day lives. The concept has a wide range of usage in the branches of research of the solid-state branch of physics.


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Ans.The atomicparticles consist of various ones. Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon. 1.6726 x 10-2...Read full

What is an atomic scale?

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