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Filter Paper Bridge

A note on the overview of the filter paper bridge, its definition, the role of the filter paper in a salt bridge, also will cover how it helps in salt bridges.

To get any oxidation and reduction reaction, also known as redox reactions, you need to use some chemical reactions. Mostly, it is known as the salt bridge. And of the type of salt bridge is a filter paper bridge. The role of the filter paper in a salt bridge also has a higher importance to make the reaction easier.

Like another chemical phenomenon, the filter paper bridge also has different applications, factors, and limitations in the reaction. These are somehow different from the other ones of the same kind. It’s essential to know all these about the filter paper bridge to get a firm idea about the salt bridge.

Salt Bridge

A Salt bridge, also known as the ion bridge, is a device that connects the half-cell, which is oxidation and reduction-oriented of a particular galvanic cell. It helps to maintain the neutrality of electricity in the circuit. Without a salt bridge, the reaction will not be able to produce the electricity required for the reaction so the reaction will stop.

The filter paper bridge is a type of salt bridge that helps the galvanic cell connect to the half-cell of the oxidation and reduction-related galvanic cell. This bridge helps the neutrality of the electricity in the bridge and keeps the reaction going on. It is essential to know about the role of filter paper in a salt bridge.

Filter Paper Bridge

This type of salt paper bridge helps a galvanic meter carry on with oxidation and reduction half-cell as this type of bridge works based on the electrolytes’ concentration and the type of paper. So, there is no need for any jellification agent.


When a filter paper with a porous property, soaked with inert electrolyte, gets used as a bridge in a galvanic cell to carry on a redox half cell reaction, then the bridge consisting of the filter paper is known as the filter paper bridge.

In other words, the purpose of a filter paper bridge is to keep the neutrality of electricity in a galvanic cell, to move the reaction forward.

Redox Reaction

This is nothing but an oxidation and reduction reaction. This one helps the electrons to keep the continuous flow from the electropositive particle to the electronegative particle. With the help of this, the flow of electricity remains constant, which helps keep the electricity neutral.

With the help of the conductivity of paper bridges, the oxidation, and reduction or the redox reaction get carried on in the half cell in a galvanic cell. This reaction helps other reactions to get carried on without getting prevented due to lack of electricity.

The Role of The Filter Paper in A Salt Bridge

The filter paper in the filter paper bridge itself carries on the electrons between the two substances in the half cell of the galvanic cell. As porous properties and inert electrolytes are there, the filter paper carries all the electrons; no other jellification agent is required in the salt bridge.

So, while using filter paper like sodium chloride or potassium chloride inert papers are getting used as a filter paper in any salt bridge, it works by itself without any jellification agents, so it helps the salt or the ion bridge to get more benefits from fewer substances.


This phenomenon will have some different factors to carry on. The role of the filter paper in a salt bridge to work correctly depends on some criteria.

  • The concentration of the solution

The concentration of the solution has a significant impact on the conductivity of a filter paper bridge-type slat bridge. As the concentration increases, the conductivity will increase and work smoother.

  • The texture of the paper

A paper with a smooth surface will always have a higher conductivity than a rough-surfaced filter paper.

  • Absorbency

Naturally, the conductivity of electrons in the salt bridge will be better with the absorbency quality of the filter paper. So, in other words, the better quality paper will have better conductivity.


As the filter paper bridge is a type of salt paper bridge, it helps the electrons flow from one substance to another, as the oxidation and reduction reaction, in the half cell of a galvanic cell. This phenomenon helps the actual reaction carry on and not stop due to a lack of proper electricity flow in the salt bridge.

As the filter paper bridge doesn’t require any other jellification agent, it helps the reaction to be more cost-effective. This makes the role of the filter paper in a salt bridge more critical. And you can adjust the required amount of connectivity with the help of adjusting the factors a bit.


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