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Explanation On Zwitterionic

The topic on Explanation on Zwitterionic will look into the meaning of Zwitterionic, along with the presence of amphoteric in Zwitterionic and Zwitterion form. In addition, the article will also look at the isoelectric point of amino acids.

A zwitterion is a term that was originally derived from the German term “zwitter”. This German term means hermaphrodite or hybrid. It is an ion-containing functional group of two. These ions hold on to both negative and positive electrical charges. Hence, they are neutral when it comes to electrical charges. When the amino acids are in the solid state, they exist as ions that are dipolar in nature known as Zwitterions.

In addition, these molecules are often referred to as inner salts. It must be noted that the compounds which are dipolar in nature are not categorized as Zwitterions. The difference is that the negative and positive sign of the amine oxide points at the formal charges. These molecules are amphoteric in nature. Therefore, in the process of electrolysis, these molecules do not get transferred to the anode or the cathode. 

Before moving to the amphoteric Zwitterionic; let us look at the characteristics and Zwitterion form. 

Characteristics and Forms

Zwitterions have the following characteristics-

  • The atoms that are charged are generally kept together with the help of one or more covalent bonds. 
  • These compounds have separated and stable units of charges which are electrical on several atoms. 
  • Zwitterion compounds consist of quaternary ammonium cations. 
  • Zwitterion is an ion that is made up of compounds such as ampholytes. Ampholytes consist of both basic and acidic nature in their molecules. 
  • These compounds are also made up of amino acids. Amino acids are also the best-given examples of compounds Zwitterions. 

To understand the structure and form of Zwitterion, we must look at the Amino Acid and the isoelectric point of Amino acid. 

Amino Acids and their Isoelectric points

As already mentioned, Amino Acids are the best examples of Zwitterion compounds. This is because Amino acids have both an acidic and a basic nature in them. Amino acids are formed up of amino groups or the ammonium, which consists of the positive charges and the carboxyl groups containing the negative charges. 

One of the most important properties of the Amino acid- example of Zwitterion is its isoelectric point. The isoelectric points are presented with the help of pl and pH. This pH level has an electrical neutral charge in its molecules. The net charge on these molecules is often affected by the pH level of the environment. As a result of the increase in the total number of protons, the molecules are charged more positively or negatively. It must also be noted that the solubility is also affected by the level of pl and its value. 

The constant of the equilibrium of the Zwitterion is found according to the pH value of the isoelectric point. This pH can be calculated with the help of the following equation-

pl = Ya1 + Ya22

The equation has the following characteristics-

pl = the isoelectric point 

Ya1 = acidic equilibrium constant

Ya2 = basic equilibrium constant

Now, let us look at some of Zwitterion’s applications. 


The Zwitterion compounds have several applications. These applications are-

  • Zwitterion ions are used widely in the field of biology and medicines. 
  • These molecules are also used in the field of the marine industry. They are used in the prevention of subaquatic organisms and they don’t build up in piers and boats. 
  • These molecules are used in the separation procedure of the molecules of proteins. The separation of protein molecules is one of the most important methods in the field of molecular biology. 
  • Zwitterions are also used in the antifouling covering of biomedical implants which helps in the prevention of the building-up of the formation of biofilm and microbial adhesion.

In addition to these applications, the Zwitterions are also used in the field of drug delivery, membrane separation, and medical implants among others. 


A zwitterion is a term that was originally derived from the German term “zwitter”, meaning hybrid. It is an ion-containing functional group of two. These ions hold on to both negative and positive electrical charges. Hence, they are neutral when it comes to electrical charges. These molecules are often referred to as inner salts. These molecules are amphoteric in nature. Therefore, in the process of electrolysis, these molecules do not get transferred to the anode or the cathode. Amino Acids are the best examples of the Zwitterion compounds. This is because Amino acids have both an acidic and a basic nature in them. The isoelectric points are presented with the help of pl and pH. This pH level has an electrical neutral charge in its molecules.


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