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An Overview of Fractional Distillation

The process, which involves miscible liquid separation, is called fractional distillation. This process also includes repeated condensation, where the mixture gets separated gradually into various component parts.

In order to explain the process and techniques of fractional distillation, it can be mentioned that in various industries this effective and active process often separates the chemical compounds of crude oils. The process of fractional distillation is often known as the “distillation process”. The method of fractional distillation also involved two major processes, which are condensation and heating. This is mainly considered an effective technique that is used to separate two chemical mixtures or liquids that are considered to be miscible and have different temperatures. The three main steps that are used in the distillation process to separate the chemical compounds of a mixture sample are fermentation, finishing and distillation. 

Fractional distillation: discussion 

The process, by which the mixture is separated and fractionalized into various parts of its components, is called Fractional distillation. During this process of Fractional Distillation, the heating method separates the chemical compounds that are present in the mixture. Due to heating, the chemical compounds at a certain degree of temperature one or more fractions will get gradually get vaporized from the given mixture. 

Fractional distillation: process

Fractional distillation involves the process in which a chemical mixture is taken as a sample and by applying heat; various components are being derived from that mixture sample. This is mainly the process of separating chemical compounds from the mixture. In order to explain in simpler words, it can be stated that in a laboratory a chemical expert mainly uses this fractional distillation process to isolate one or more than one compounds that are incorporated into the mixture sample. The selected mixture sample usually contains two or less than two and sometimes it can go up to an endless number of chemical compounds. There are four main steps incorporated in the process of fractional distillation.

  • Evaporation: Until the mixture of crude oil gets totally, evaporated heat is applied constantly to it. The vapor of crude oil is mainly put into one of the fractional columns at a position at the bottom so that the vapor of this chemical mixture easily rises upwards. 
  • Condensation: In this step of condensation, the temperature of the chemical mixture of crude oil remains higher at the bottom level of its selected column. 
  • Collection: in this step after deriving, the effective process of fractional distillation collects the chemical components from the mixture of crude oil fractions. 

What is fractional distillation?

The process by which the chemical components present in a chemical mixture sample are made separated into various parts is known as fractions or fractional distillation. The standard of these fractions of the chemical mixture is often determined on the basis of its differentiated boiling points. The process also includes repeated condensation, where the mixture gets separated gradually into various component parts. The fractional distillation process is also used in order to check the level of purity of the chemical mixture and to separate the mixture for generating their relevant chemical components. 

Technique of distillation

Distillation is a good separation technique for determining the boiling points, which play a vital role in the process of fractional distillation of a mixture sample. After determination of the boiling point of the mixture, the chemist in the laboratory separates out various chemical compounds. The Boling point of the mixture is often denoted as a physical property. The boiling point is mainly considered as the temperature at which a phase is involved where changes take place from the liquid state to its vapor state. It can further elaborate that crude oils normally include key substances like diesel, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, paraffin wax, and even lubricating oil. By the process of fractional distillation, these chemical components, which remain involved in the crude oil mixture get easily, separated. 


In order to explain the concept of fractional distillation, it can be stated that it is different from the process of simple distillation where two chemical mixtures or liquids with different boiling points are separated. Fractional distillation is the procedure that is often used to separate the chemical mixtures, having boiling points that are almost close to each other. The process of simple distillation can be used to separate two or more chemical mixtures at 50 degrees differences in their nature of boiling points. The main three steps of distillation are determined as “fermentation”, “distillation”, and “finishing”.


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