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An Idea on How to Calculate Normality in Titration

As per science, a homogenous blend of somewhere around two substances in relative totals can be contrasted continually up to what is known as the limitation of dissolvability. The term solution is customarily applied to the liquid state of the issue, yet courses of action of gases and solids are possible. The substance wherein a solute separates to make a homogeneous mix is known as a solvent, and the substance that breaks down into smaller particles in order to dissolve in a solvent to deliver a homogeneous blend is known as a solute.

Solute exists in liquid, solid as well as in the vaporous state. There can be a homogenous blend, in which the solutes are spread similarly in the arrangement and consequently keep up with consistency in the combination; likewise, they can be heterogeneous in which more than one kind of solutes is blended, and in this manner, no consistency is available in the blend as the spreading of the solute is lopsided. The capacity of a solute to disintegrate in a solvent is known as the solubility of the solute.

The volume of a solution is largely decided by the solvent. The amount of solute a solvent can break down is chosen by the temperature of the medium. In a homogenous blend, we realise how much solvent is consistently present, so this implies that per volume, how much solute is equivalent. To keep a thermodynamic balance, a few solute particles surround the solute molecule. Polarity assumes a significant part also. Solvents are generally isolated into two classes relying upon their polarity, i.e., polar (model water) and non-polar (model hydrocarbons) solvents. The edge of boiling over is dependably lower for the solvent in contrast with the solute. Some very common examples seen in daily life are the sugar in water, where sugar is solute and water is solvent. 

Some ways to measure the concentration of a solution are:

  1. Molarity: It can be calculated as-

                   Molarity (M) = no. of moles of a solute per volume of solution

  1. Normality: This can be calculated as follows:

N = molar concentration/equivalence factor


N = gram equivalent weight/liters of solution


N = M* No. of equivalents

What is titration?

Titration is the interaction of synthetic investigation in which the amount of some constituent is not set in stone by adding to the deliberate example a precisely known amount of one more substance with which the ideal constituent responds to an unmistakable, known extent. The interaction is typically completed step by step, adding a standard arrangement (i.e., an answer of known grouping) of titrating reagent, or titrant, from a burette. Basically a long graduated estimating tube with a stopcock and a conveyance tube at its lower end. The expansion is halted when the equality point is reached.

When equivalence is reached between the two solutions, then it is said to have reached its endpoint and gives out a colour as an indicator for it.

We can calculate the normality of the solutions by titration.

Usually, we use titration for mixing acids and bases and finding out the neutralisation point. 

For acid-base titration the formula to find the normality of the unknown is by using:

                        N1V1 = N2V2

N1 – Normality of acid solution

V1 – the volume of acid solution

N2 – normality of a basic solution

V2 – the volume of basic solution

Let us try to solve a question using this formula:

What will be the normality of HCl in 100ml of the solution when mixed with NaOH with a normality of 2N and volume of 50 ml.

Here when we use N1V1 = N2V2, we get

                                      N1 * 100 = 2 * 50

                                         N1 = 1 N, normality of HCl will be 1N


As you can see above, the normality of a solution can also be calculated for the solutions undergoing titration. The indicators present in the titration mixture play a very important role as it decides the endpoint of the mixing and hence the value where they reach equivalence. These things are very important in finding out the concentration of a solution or gram equivalence of an acid or base. Hope the viewers were helped through this article.


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What do you understand by titration?

Ans.  it is basically mixing two solutions, one whose concentration is known ...Read full

What is the formula used for calculating normality in titrations?

Ans. N1V1 = N2V2, where N1...Read full

what will be the normality of HCl in 50ml of solution titrated with 4N NaOH in 100ml of the solution?

Ans: N1V1 = N2V2

N1 = (4 * 100)/ 50