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A Short Note on the Properties of Potash Alum

Potash alum is the most used type of chemical compound. In India, potash alum, the chemical compound, is commonly known among the Indians as ‘fitkari’. Let’s learn about various properties.

Potash alum can be defined as a chemical compound in science. Potash alum is widely used as the potassium sulphate dodecahydrate. Potassium alum is a double salt that is extensively utilised in the production of medicine and the treatment of water. KAl(SO4)2.12H2O is the chemical formula of potash alum. Potash alum generally came as the dodecahydrate, KAl(SO4)2.12H2O. Potash alum is one of the most commonly used chemical compounds used in the treatment of water, specifically in minimal coloured waters. 

Table Representing Major Properties Of The Chemical Compound, Potash Alum 

Potash alum has various numerous, greatly complicated species such as aluminium polymers in the state that affect the types of products that supplementarily depend on various distinguished circumstances such as pH, dosage, and hydroxide additive mixing and rate. 

The flexibility also shows the potash alum is very versatile, and numerous various solidifying mechanisms can be transformed. Potash alum is quite important in chemistry and is majorly used to purify water, dyeing, fireproofing textiles, leather tanning, and baking powder as E number E522.

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Name 

Aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate

Chemical Formula 



1.725 g/cm³

Molar Mass 

474.37 g/mol (dodecahydrate)

258.192 g/mol (anhydrous)

Point of Boiling 

200 degrees Celsius (392 degrees Fahrenheit; 473 K)

Point of Melting 

92 to 96 degrees Celsius (198 to 204 degrees Fahrenheit, 365 to 368 K)

Physical Properties Of The Chemical Compound, Potash Alum 

The physical properties of any chemical compound can be felt with the five senses. Likewise, the physical properties attributed to the chemical compound potash alum are as follows – 

  1. Octahedral is the configuration and structure of potash alum crystals. Potash alum is nearly solid, colourless, and greatly soluble in water. 
  2. Effect of heat: Potash alum tends to get red when heated in a certain range of degrees and leads to the formation of porous, cold weight known as burnt alum. 
  3. Effect of heat: If the potash alum is heated more strongly, then the molecules of potash alum evaporate. If the potash alum is exposed to a much high temperature, the sulphuric acid is moved out, and the leftover mixture carries the sulfate of potash and alumina. 
  4. Potash alum is a white crystalline chemical compound. Potash alum is mixed with water and is dissolved in alcohol. The potash alum solution in water is acidic. 

The Major Uses Of The Chemical Substance, Potash Alum 

One can easily attribute the uses of any chemical substance to the components it is made up of. The rule remains the same for organic as well as inorganic compounds. The major uses of potash alum are as follows: 

Fire Retardant- When the potash alum is used for woods, textiles, and paperless flames, then the potash alum is a fire retardant. 

Tanning- Tanning is one of the major uses of potash alum’s chemical substance. For leather tanning, potash alum is utilised to draw out the moisture from the concealer and keep it away from rotting. If the potash alum is compared with tannic acid, then the potash alum is not coated and can be washed out. 

Iron and Steel Dissolving- The chemical substance potash alum shows the property that steels are mixed without affecting the base metals or aluminium. 

Gourmet Food- potash alum is an acidic compound in baking powder to give out a secondary leavening procedure at high temperatures. In the 1800s, the bakers of England used potash alum to produce more white pieces of bread. 

Blocking Chemicals- Since the ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilisations before the Middle Ages, potash alum was majorly used to purify turbid liquids. The industrial water and drinking water systems, the treatment of effluent, and after storm lake processes resume to be generally utilised to treat pollutants in rainfall. 

There are many other uses, but these are known to be the most prominent ones. It is quite relevant in the chemical industry. 


Now that we have understood Potash alum’s properties, we can now study more briefly about potash alum, such as how its preparations take place and every other thing about potash alum. The potash alum is extensively used worldwide. You can see the use of potash alum from the industries to houses.  


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