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A Short Note on Entropy State Functions

The following articles will elaborate in detail on the premise of entropy and its relevant scenarios. Moreover, its list of state functions will also be discussed.

Entropy as a state function is totally independent of the path through a thermodynamic system. It implies a size-extensive quantity, perpetually indicated by ‘S’, with dimension energy divided by absolute temperature (SI unit: joule/K). Entropy contains no corresponding mechanical connotation—different from the volume, an analogous size-extensive state factor. Furthermore, entropy cannot be computed directly; there isn’t such a thing as an entropy meter, while state factors like volume and temperature are simply established. Therefore entropy is one of the slightest implicit concepts in physics.

The state variable “entropy” was commenced by Rudolf Clausius in 1865 when he provided an arithmetic formulation of the second law pertaining to thermodynamics.

The conventional way of commencing entropy is through a Carnot engine, a conceptual engine envisaged by Sadi Carnot in 1824 as an idolization of a steam engine. Carnot’s work prefigured the second law of thermodynamics. In this method, entropy is the heat amount (per degree Kelvin) added or lost by a thermodynamic system that creates a changeover from one state to another. The second law implies that the entropy of an isolated system augments impulsive (natural) procedures leading from one state to another, while the first law implies that the internal energy of the system is safeguarded.

Ludwig Boltzmann, in 1877 provided a description of entropy in the framework of the kinetic gas theory, a division of physics that widened into statistical thermodynamics. Boltzmann’s meaning of entropy was advanced by John von Neumann to a quantum statistical explanation. In the statistical method, the entropy of an isolated (constant energy) scheme is kB logΩ, where kB implies Boltzmann’s constant and the function log denotes the natural (base e) logarithm. Ω denotes the number of various wave functions (“microstates”) of the system pertaining to the system’s “macrostate” (thermodynamic state). The figure Ω denotes the multiplicity involved in the macrostate; for an isolated system, over which the macrostate comprises definite energy, Ω is the degeneracy. For a system of approximately 1023 particles, Ω lies on the order of 101023, where the entropy lies on the order of 1023×kB ≈ R, the molar gas remaining constant.

Not content with the engineering kind of argument, the mathematician Constantin Carathéodory provided in 1909 a fresh axiomatic formulation of entropy plus the second law of thermodynamics. His theory was on the basis of Pfaffian differential equations. His axiom substituted the previous Kelvin-Planck and the corresponding Clausius formulation of the second law and did not require the Carnot engines. Carathéodory’s work was used by Max Born, and it is employed in some monographs. Since it needs more mathematical acquaintance compared to the conventional mode based on Carnot engines, and because this mathematical knowledge is not required by most students of thermodynamics, the conventional approach, which relies on some resourceful thought experiments, is still leading in the preponderance of introductory works on thermodynamics.

Specific entropy

Entropy (as the widespread property mentioned previously) has equivalent concentrated (size-independent) properties for pure substances. A corresponding intensive property implies specific entropy that is entropy per mass of substance engrossed. Specific entropy is signified by a lowercase s through a dimension of energy for each absolute temperature and mass [SI unit: joule/ (K·kg)]. If, in a case, a molecular mass or number of moles engrossed can be dispensed, then an additional corresponding intensive property implies molar entropy, which is entropy per mole of the compound engrossed, or otherwise specific entropy times the molecular mass. There is no collectively concurred upon representation for molar properties, and molar entropy at times has been puzzlingly represented by S, as in extensive entropy. The aspects of molar entropy I plies energy per absolute temperature and numeral of moles [SI unit: joule/ (K·mole)].

The Conventional meaning of entropy

The state pertaining to a thermodynamic system is distinguished by different variables, for instance, temperature T, pressure p, volume V, amount of substance n, etc. Any thermodynamic factor can be seen as an occupation of a subjective independent set of different thermodynamic variables. Therefore the terms “property”, “variable”, “parameter”, and “function” are utilized interchangeably. The independent thermodynamic variable number of a system is equivalent to the energy contacts number of the system with its nearby surroundings.


Entropy is the measure of imbalance in the system apart from being a thermodynamic property. This implies that the more jumbled a system is, the greater its entropy. The entropy of a material rises with temperature. Therefore, a rise in molecular complexity leads to an increase in S.Entropies of ionic solids relying on coulombic attractions. In general cases, entropy gets higher in size in case a true solid or liquid wraps up in a solvent.


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