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First Death from Monkey B Virus in China

This article briefly describes the spread of the monkey B virus in China, the structure of the monkey b virus, the mode of spread, signs, treatment, and the prognosis of attack of the monkey B virus in humans.

A 53-year-old veterinarian residing in Beijing is affected by the monkey b virus. He died of an infection of the monkey b virus. He had shown symptoms of nausea and vomiting. He was researching primates, and he did research through the post mortem of primates. He researched over two dead monkeys through postmortem by the Starting of March. Global times in China reported this incident in conjunction with the English platform of the Chinese centre for disease control and prevention. 

He was treated in various hospitals until he died on March 27.

Structure of monkey b virus

This virus is called a magazine alpha herpes virus or MHC virus. This belongs to the genus of the simplex virus and family herpesviral. This is similar to the herpes simplex virus, which causes neurological symptoms such as infection of the trigeminal nerve, and lesions over the area supplied by the trigeminal nerve. It also affects the ophthalmoplegic branch by herpes zoster ophthalmicus. In other animals, this causes cold sores similar to humans. In case of infection in humans, this causes neurological symptoms such as encephalitis, meningitis and meningoencephalitis. This is one of the oldest viruses infecting monkeys. The transmission to human beings is accidental during the research of dead monkeys by scientists.

The exposure is mainly through scratches, bites and any bruises over the mucous membrane, including the eyes, nose and mouth. This infection is detrimental and severe in monkey b virus in humans.

Cases and severity:

Till 2021, 50 cases were reported as monkey B virus in humans. This will demand cases reported from 1932 to 2021, as 30 were confirmed dead. 21 were suffering from the lifelong effects of encephalitis. The genome contains two double-stranded DNA. This is very much similar to the structure of the herpes simplex virus, with Cytosine and guanine presence leading to its unique feature. Each genetic coding glycoprotein with its unique cysteine sequence is conserved and replicated. This replication takes place mainly inside the nerve cells.

The incubation symptoms vary from 3 days to one month, starting with febrile illness and muscle soreness. Increased incidence of hiccups, nausea and vomiting, swollen lymph nodes, along with belly pain.

History of monkey B virus:

The Rh factor that decides the ABO compatibility is present and detected mainly in rhesus monkeys. These rhesus monkeys are proven to be the natural hosts for the B virus in monkeys. This progression and presence of the  B virus are detected when there is research to detect the poliovirus in monkeys. The scientists who were researching the monkey were bitten; at first, they showed symptoms of febrile illness, then they showed neurological symptoms such as mental illness, tremor, encephalitis, positive kerning signs and symptoms about the central nervous system. Skin lesions such as erythema, lymphoma and lymphangitis preceded the neurological symptoms. They show features of transverse myelitis, the disorder that causes neurological paralysis over the autonomous nervous system affecting the axial and appendicular skeleton and muscles 

Treatment of human infection of monkey b virus 

Fluid therapy is given to people infected with the monkey B virus. Acyclovir 800 mg is prescribed five times a day. This treatment regimen is also followed for herpes simplex infection. This cures the infection caused by the herpes virus and reduces the neurotrophic symptoms. The patient is given saline infusion and rehydration therapy. The treatment is mostly conservative treatment rather than a specific treatment to reduce symptoms. After the bite of the monkey, wash the area with soap and apply some antiseptic ointments or wash such as Dettol. Use running water to cleanse the wound. This wound is not tied in cloth as wounds tied with a cloth or any band-aid turn out to be the source of infection. So such procedures are avoided, and the open wound till reaching the hospital is allowed. After reaching the hospital, they take a tetanus injection called a T tap. This procedure is normally followed in any hospital, and then vitality will be checked along with electrolytes and fluid levels. Vitals checked to include oxygen saturation, pulse rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure.


Monkey b virus is known for causing neurological symptoms along with death in humans. Human infection of monkey b virus is rare, and this transmission is rare, and there is no intermediated vector for monkey b virus transmission. There has been a reported death by human infection of monkey b virus in Beijing, China, where the veterinarian who was researching the dead monkeys was infected, and he died on March 27 by the human infection of b virus in monkeys and neurological symptoms. The treatment is mostly conservative treatment rather than a specific treatment to reduce symptoms.


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