Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) describes the ongoing effects of critical illness on a patient who has received extensive care in an intensive care unit (ICU). Post-Intensive-Care Syndrome (PICS) is a little-known condition that affects patients’ loved ones who have undergone extensive medical procedures, such as surgeries. . It can be difficult to diagnose. The syndrome usually occurs in patients who have been put on life support, such as mechanical ventilation, for several days or weeks. PICS can occur among all patients, regardless of age. In this article, we’ll learn about What is Post-intensive care syndrome (PIC Syndrome)? Symptoms of Post intensive care syndrome.Â
What is Post-intensive care Syndrome (PIC Syndrome)?
Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS), also known as a post-ICU syndrome, is the condition experienced by a patient after an extended stay in the ICU. It can be difficult to diagnose since it’s characterised by various symptoms that can’t separate from other conditions or illnesses. PICS is often accompanied by delirium, which adds to the difficulty of diagnosis. Post-Intensive-Care Syndrome (PICS) is a known condition that affects patients’ loved ones who have undergone extensive medical procedures, such as surgeries. At first, family members may feel relieved that their friend or loved one has survived what was likely a difficult procedure. However, as time goes on and they witness the slow recovery process, they may also experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. “This is where I became anxious because she wasn’t getting better from surgery,” said Jerry Geller, husband of Laura Geller, who had heart valve surgery.
What causes PICS?
It’s not known what causes PICS. It may be due to the stress of the illness or injury, the ICU stay itself, and treatments and medications used in the ICU.
 These include:
- medications
- infections
- injuries from tubesÂ
- machines
- multiple organ failure (when two or more body systems fail)
- sleep deprivationÂ
Symptoms of Post Intensive Care SyndromeÂ
Post intensive care syndrome (PICS) is a condition that can occur after a person receives medical care in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). It’s diagnosed when symptoms last longer than four weeks and persist after leaving the ICU.Â
The following symptoms characterises PICS:
To be diagnosed with PICS, the patient must have been in an ICU for at least three days and sustained one or more of the above symptoms for at least four weeks.
The most common PICS causes are related to medical treatment received during the ICU stay. This includes administering sedative and analgesic medications, mechanical ventilation (breathing assistance), and invasive procedures such as intubation (placing tubes down a patient’s throat).Â
Stress caused by being admitted to an unfamiliar environment or separated from one’s community or support systems, a disconnection from routine and familiar mental stimulation, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), changes to brain chemistry due to lack of oxygen flow during severe illness/trauma, hearing loss caused by loud alarms (alarm fatigue), pain issues such as nerve damage; the presence of disease-causing delirium; physical impairments; cognitive impairment; fatigue; sleep problems; loss of memory; loss of appetite; loss of libido; difficulty concentrating; loss of taste.
How is Post-intensive Care Syndrome (Pics) Diagnosed?
Doctors may use the following tests to look for signs of PICS:
- Physical exam. This will help determine whether you have any physical problems, such as muscle weakness or trouble swallowing.
- Mental health exam. This can check for depression, anxiety, and other psychological problems.
- Cognitive exam. A doctor will ask you questions during this exam to test your memory, attention, and thinking skills (known as “cognitive function”). For instance, you may be asked to remember a list of words or do simple math problems in your head.
- Physical therapy evaluation. Your movement and balance will be tested to see if any physical changes need treatment or rehabilitation.
- Nutritional assessment: A nutritionist or dietitian can help determine if your diet is balanced and give advice about eating habits that could affect your recovery from the intensive care unit (ICU).
What are the treatment options for Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)?
Post-Intensive Care Syndrome is a medical condition that occurs when a patient has been on life-saving treatment for an extended period of time. Patients with PICS often experience fatigue, muscle pain, and difficulty sleeping.
- The symptoms vary from patient to patient, but doctors can help patients work through their issues by providing support and guidance to get them back on track with their recovery.
- The best way to treat Post Intensive Care Syndrome is through careful observation of your symptoms and the advice of your physician.
Get enough rest. If you’re kept up at night and not able to sleep, take a painkiller or sedative if needed (make sure it’s okay with your doctor first). Experts say that if you don’t get enough sleep, it will slow down your heart rate and breathing, which could cause problems for your body. Relax in stressful situations and calm yourself down by taking deep breaths. Try some home exercises to get your muscles moving again like swimming or walking if you’re able. Doctors suggest doing push-ups and squats; massage is also good for getting the blood flowing throughout the body.