UPSC » UPSC CSE Study Materials » Biology » Poaceae


The article describes the characteristics, evolutionary history, and uses of the Poaceae family. It is one of the most prominent plant families. It is also known as the Gramineae family.T

Poaceae is a large family of plants. Most of them include different varieties of grass. It consists of primarily monocotyledonous plants. Grasses can be of multiple types, including cereal grasses, bamboo grasses, and others usually grown on lawns and gardens. The Poaceae family is extensive and consists of plants that belong to more than seven hundred genera and twelve thousand species. The plants that consist of the Poaceae family have a very high economic value as they act as the staple diet for various animals and also provide food crops for humans such as maize, cereal, wheat, and rice, to name a few. They are a significant contributor to the energy released due to human consumption. 

Evolution of grasses:

Grasses are one of the most versatile plants. Evolutionary evidence has shown the presence of members of the poaceae family in the dung of primitive dinosaurs. The prevalence of the poaceae family members increased during the Cretaceous period. Members of the Poaceae family are known to withstand extreme conditions, and hence they can be found in a variety of habitats, including rain forests, deserts, and mountains. They can be considered as one of the most widely spread plants. Fossil evidence has shown that the evolution of grasses began almost fifty million years ago. 

Poaceae family characteristics:

The poaceae family characteristics include being categorised as herbs. Depending on the species, their growth pattern can be considered both annual or perennial. The stems of grass are commonly referred to as the club. They are primarily cylindrical and hollow. The nodes of these stems are plugged, and their leaves are attached to the nodes. The leaves of a grass plant almost always alternate in their growth pattern, and most of them lie in the same plane. They possess a parallel venation. These leaves are divided into two portions. The lower portion is called the sheath that is attached to the stem. The upper part of the leaf is called the blade, and it possesses the margins of the leaf. The blade portion of a leaf is hardened due to a chemical compound called silica phytoliths. The purpose of the hardening of the leaf blade is to prevent the grazing of the plant by animals. The upper and lower layer of the leaf is connected by a fibrous tissue called ligule. This layer prevents the entry of water or small insects into the sheath. The flowers of these plants are arranged in the form of spikelets. The spikelets can be further divided into panicles and spikes. These flowers are bisexual because both the male and female reproductive parts are in the same flower. However, the maize plant is an important exception in this aspect. The fruit that these plants produce is of the caryopsis kind, in which the seed coat is fused with the wall of the fruit. 

Poaceae family uses:

Poaceae is one of the most economically significant plant families due to the various areas that they are used in. These include industries such as food production, manufacturing, and lawns. Grasses have served as food products for animals for a long time; they are also an essential food crop for humans. They are also used to manufacture various products such as clothing, paper, furniture, etc. Grasses include almost seventy per cent of the crops that are grown. Edible grasses are mainly grown for their seeds. Three of the major cereals produced as edible crops and contribute to the highest portion of the energy release are part of the poaceae family. These edible crops are wheat, maize, and rice. Sugarcane, another member of the Poaceae family, is used to produce sugar and several alcoholic beverages. Many members of the poaceae family are grown as fodder for the animals to feed on. Different plants that comprise the Poaceae family are used to produce raw materials for various purposes. Some of the significant products that use grass as their raw material include paper, glass fibre, and bamboo scaffolding. The grass is very commonly used as lawn ornaments. Other than their ornamental value, they also help prevent soil erosion. Ornamental grasses are known for their foliage and inflorescence, which allows them to be shaped differently. 

Conclusion :

Hence, it can be concluded that the poaceae family is one of the largest plant families. The family consists mostly of monocots, and the members of the family are often referred to as grasses. The members of the poaceae family range over hundreds of genres and thousands of species. These plants have been a part of the evolutionary cycle for the last fifty million years, and their presence can be traced back to the cretaceous era. They have different anatomy and morphology in comparison to the other plants. The members of the Poaceae family are used for varying purposes, including food production, manufacturing of products, and lawn maintenance. 


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