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Latest advances in Protein Nutrition

The latest advances in protein nutrition refer to the latest developments in the amount of protein present in animal nutrition. It shows the effective use of protein.

Protein plays a crucial role in the development of an animal. Protein is called the building block of the body. If the animal’s body doesn’t effectively utilise the protein, the protein in the form of NO2 comes along with the excretion, resulting in the poor growth of the animal. The latest advances in protein nutrition focus on the practical usage of protein in the animal’s body and study the effect of protein in its body. The latest advances in protein nutrition also examine the components that help in the absorption of protein.

In the following sections, you will clearly learn about the latest advancements in protein nutrition.

Advances in Protein Nutrition w.r.t GMO crops 

  • Animals don’t get enough protein absorption due to a lack of amino acids.
  • Crop modification using biotechnology increases nutrition for animal feed to meet the growing demands for animal products.
  • According to the latest advances in protein nutrition, the modification increases the protein content and induces amino acids genetically.
  • In experimental circumstances, animals whose feed was GMO maize with lysine increment showed weight gain, feed efficiency, and carcass yield was better than fed with normal maize.
  • Even GMO soybeans are available. Soy meal of GMO soybeans has an enhanced level of protein.

Advances in Protein Nutrition w.r.t. nitrogen recycling: 

  • Diet produces nitrogen in the lumen of the small intestine of animals.
  • Dietary protein enters the large intestine without getting digested or absorbed in the small intestine.
  • The saliva and secretions like bile, pancreatic secretions, etc., produce nitrogen in the lumen.
  • There is a secretion of nitrogen-containing compounds like ammonia and urea from the circulation into the small and upper large intestine. 
  • Most of the nitrogen produced from the body secretions gets reabsorbed before reaching the terminal ileum; some get reabsorbed in the large intestine. 
  • The amino acids and peptides undergo fermentation to yield ammonia and methane in the lumen.

Advances in Protein Nutrition w.r.t Milk Protein

  • The latest advances in protein nutrition have shown interest in transferring protein efficiently, fed to the cow to milk as milk protein. 
  • This feat can help in achieving two important things: 1. The global market will lean towards milk producers and milk products, and 2. It will mitigate the necessity of producing livestock.
  •  Nitrogen in the excretion is the protein that is not used for the digestion process or not utilised for any other metabolic activities. The release of this gas in the atmosphere in the form of NO2, which is a greenhouse gas, can be restricted.

Advances in Protein Nutrition for Growth: 

  • Advances in protein nutrition studies have revealed that protein is essential for the growth of animals.
  • Protein helps in the digestion process by catalysing the ruminal fermentation process.
  • It aids in developing gut flora and thus aids in the absorption of nutrients. 
  • If there is an imbalance of protein nutrition in the feed, it affects the digestive process resulting in poor growth of animals.
  • Maintenance of both the amount and quality of the protein is necessary for the maximum development of animals.
  • The sources of protein also play an essential role.

Advances in Protein Nutrition for Immunity: 

  • Studies state that protein malnutrition can affect immunity.
  • T-cells are the antibodies that prevent foreign bodies from entering the animal’s body.
  • When the metabolism is normal, the synthesis of all the metabolites essential for bodily functions occurs.
  • Arginine helps in the enhancement of T-lymphocytes.
  • Protein acts as a substrate for the anabolic activity of the immune system; protein nutrition helps in the production of antibodies.
  • Protein helps in the maintenance of gut flora.
  • Advances in protein nutrition emphasise that proper protein intake helps in normal metabolism.

A New Research related to Non-Essential Amino Acids in Animal Nourishment: 

  • The previous studies stated that essential amino acids were the only critical component that aided animal growth. It further claimed that non-essential amino acids don’t play any role in the development of animals.
  • However, the latest advances in protein nutrition have revealed that including non-essential amino acids in the feed composition is vital.
  • In recent studies, researchers have found that non-essential amino acids are rich in protein nutrition.
  • They also play a role in growth, reproduction, and other metabolic activities.
  • Furthermore, they assist in the regulation of gene expression in animal cells, microRNA biogenesis, and epigenetics.

Formulation of feed for different animals: 

Based on the latest advances in protein nutrition:

  • The ideal protein nutrition level for poultry varies according to breeding. The chicken is bred either for meat(broiler) or eggs(layers). 
  • So, the protein composition is also different. Broiler chickens ( 18-23% crude), broiler breeders(19.5g/day), layers(12.50 – 18.80%).
  • Turkey poults- 0 to 12 weeks old, the crude protein requirement is 22 – 28%.
  • Turkeys- 12 to 24 weeks old, the crude protein requirement is 14 – 19%.
  • Tom breeders -12% and hen breeders -14%.
  • For cattle and pigs – sources of protein such as amino acid feed additives and crops are fed.


The animal husbandry industry faces unprecedented demand due to the growing population, urbanisation, and business potential. The industry is leaning towards science for low-cost feed that can cope with the animal’s needs for increased productivity to meet the demand. The advances in protein nutrition can solve the issues faced by animal product producers. But the scepticism towards GMO products increases with increasing complaints from different nations regarding the side effects. The only way forward is to wait for more study results. Science has made tremendous advances in protein nutrition.


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