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Global Warming and Climate Change

This article discusses global warming and climate change and how we can combat them.

An increase in the average atmospheric temperature on the earth’s surface is referred to as global warming. Climate patterns are affected due to the effects of global warming in the troposphere. Global warming is mainly due to the global activity of emission of greenhouse gases by industries, vehicles, and so on.

Possible reasons for global warming

Burning fossil fuels – Fossil fuels are used worldwide for even the smallest of our needs. However, burning coal oils heat the environment and subsequently heats the atmosphere and hence, the globe gets warmer.

Excessive use of resources – Every resource we use is eventually linked to global warming as heat release can be observed at every stage – even the use of the most miniature LED bulb.

Deforestation – The process of cutting down trees without planting has a significant role in global warming and climate change. It is because trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, but the stored CO2 is released into the atmosphere when they are cut.

Effects of global warming 

Over the last decade, the effects of global warming have become prominent.  Frigid mass retreat and cold shrinkage are the two typical characteristics seen during this phenomenon. Cold masses are dissolving speedily. These are pure occurrences of climate change.

1) Rise in ocean levels – 

Continuous global warming has sped up the melting of glaciers. This has caused a rise in ocean levels, which in turn has prompted floods in low-lying regions. This is detrimental to life. Antarctica has lost almost four trillion metric tons of ice since the 1990s. The pace of such devastation could accelerate assuming we continue to consume non-renewable energy sources at our pace, causing ocean levels to rise a few metres in the next 50 to 150 years and unleashing ruin on seaside networks around the world.

2) Unseasonal precipitation –

Outrageous climate conditions are seen in numerous geographical areas. Global warming has triggered outrageous hotness and coldness. The number of these cases is rising. This will ensure irregularity in the environment, leading to the aftereffect of the termination of species.

3) Effect of marine life – 

Marine life is broadly getting impacted because of the rise in average global temperature. This is bringing about the passing of marine species. Additionally, the composition of the normal coral reefs is badly affected. These will take a toll on the existence of species. 

4) Volcanic ejections –

Due to unprecedented temperature rise, volcanic ejections have increased. In other words, these emissions discharge huge loads of carbon dioxide which in turn adds to a dangerous atmospheric deviation. Additionally, methane is one major issue answerable for a worldwide temperature alteration.

Climate change

From the beginning, there have been many instances of global warming and climate change on earth. These instances prove that climate changes are natural and happen continuously. 

  • The changes in the interglacial and glacial periods can be witnessed in the geological records. 
  • At high latitudes and altitudes, the evidence of the proceeding and retreating of the glaciers can be monitored by studying their geomorphological features. 
  • Glacial lakes contain sediments that showcase the existence of cold and warm periods. 
  • The tree rings showcase the existence of dry and wet periods.
  • During 8000 B.C., there was a cold and wet climate at the place where the Rajasthan desert stands today. 

Stages of climate change

  • Earth experiences various stages of global warming and climate change over a period. According to the geological past, the earth witnessed a warm climate during the Silurian, Cambrian, and Ordovician periods. This period can be traced way back to 300 to 500 million years ago. 
  • The interglacial and glacial periods were observed during the Pleistocene Epoch. The final major peak of the glacial period happened some 18,000 years ago.
  • The ongoing interglacial period started approximately 10,000 years ago. 

Causes of climate change 

The causes of climate change can be categorised into terrestrial causes and astronomical causes. 

Astronomical Causes: Astronomical causes reflect the transformation in the solar output and are related to sunspot activities. 

Sunspot Activities: The cool and dark patches on the surface of the sun increase or get reduced cyclically. These activities are referred to as sunspot activities. As per some meteorologists, storms, cool, and wet climates tend to occur with the increase in the sunspots. However, a decrease in the same results in a dry and warm climate. 

Milankovitch Oscillations: Milankovitch Oscillations refer to the cycles in the characteristics associated with the earth’s orbit around the sun and the alterations in the earth’s axial tilt due to its wobbling. These factors change the amount of insolation coming from the sun which may further change the climate. 


To plan for the future, we must first understand how the environment is changing. Climate science allows us to predict how much rain will fall next winter and if sea levels will rise significantly as a result of rising sea temperatures. Climate change with its adverse effects has reached our doorsteps. It is time humans act wisely, to be able to cope with the changes and take precautions to avoid disasters in the future.


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