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Kanjar Army Exercise Between Kyrgyzstan and India

The article gives a brief introduction to the Exercise Khanjar. It includes the definition of the Khanjar army exercise and a discussion on the military exercise between India and Kyrgyzstan.

Khanjar is the annual military training exercise that is held between India and Kyrgyzstan. The exercises are conducted to enhance better strategic understanding, combat capabilities, and interoperability between the two countries. The Khanjar exercises aim to enhance the bilateral relations between India and Kyrgyzstan in various fields. It contributes to the capability development of both countries’ military forces by improving their ability to operate together in various combat environments. The following article explains the definition of the Khanjar army exercise in an elaborating manner so that the significance of the military exercise between India and Kyrgyzstan can be understood better.

Definition of Khanjar Army Exercise

Khanjar (English: dagger) is the annual bilateral training exercise of the Indian Army and the Kyrgyz Armed Forces. It is held at a high altitude terrain in the city of Sarsenke, Naryn Province in Kyrgyzstan. The exercise, which was started in 2011, enhances military relations between India and Kyrgyzstan.

Definition of Khanjar army exercise can be stated as a large-scale bilateral military training exercise,  usually held in the month of the spring season. The host nation takes care of food and accommodation for the participants. India provides all necessary logistics support to the Kyrgyz forces during Khanjar. The military exercise between India and Kyrgyzstan focuses on joint planning, weapon handling, live firing and tactical exercises at a high altitude location under sub-Arctic conditions.

The joint military exercise helps in tackling terrorism, extremism, and separatism at a multi-national level.

Khanjar exercises are one of the largest bilateral military exercises held between India and Kyrgyzstan.

The military aspect of Khanjar is a bilateral exercise between the armed forces of India and Kyrgyzstan. The participants include the army, navy, air force, para-military, and civil administration officials from both countries.

In addition to this, other participants include members of the diplomatic corps, including ministers, diplomats, and technicians.

The Khanjar exercises have been held annually since 2011. However, it was conducted biannually between 2003 and 2015. It has been conducted annually since 2016. The exercise is usually completed in a span of two weeks. The 2016 exercise took place from 24 January to 5 February. It involved about 200 personnel from each country and around 300 observers from various countries, including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan. The 9th edition of the exercise took place in March- April 2022. The Khanjar exercises are conducted under the operational command of the Indian Army and higher command of the Kyrgyzstan Armed Forces.

The Khanjar exercise emphasizes enhancing the capabilities of the armed forces of both countries in the following areas:

  • Joint planning and execution of operations.
  • Combat at high altitude, cold weather, and low oxygen environment.
  • Mountain and disaster relief operations.
  • Interaction between various units of all three services under the UN charter.
  • Counter-terrorism
  • Disaster relief operations
  • Concept of Operations in various climatic and terrain conditions under the multinational command structure.
  • Weapons handling and live firing exercises as part of each service’s training program.

The training objectives are to enable the participants to overcome any conceivable threat, act efficiently in all weather conditions, cope with natural calamities and develop their tactical proficiency.

Key Strengths of the Exercise Khanjar:

Khanjar army exercise is held in the high mountains, which provides a challenging environment for the participants. It shows combat effectiveness at high altitudes in tough climatic conditions. The simulated fighting or rescue operations in the earthquake-prone and mountainous terrain provide valuable experience for the participants.

Khanjar army exercise requires the participants to operate under a multinational command structure involving air forces, land forces, and paramilitary troops from both countries. It also exposes the participants to tough climatic conditions and gives them an insight into how their units function under adverse situations.

Objectives of Exercise Khanjar

  • To increase mutual trust, cooperation and interoperability between participating countries in a variety of environments and climatic conditions.
  • To increase national efficiencies and develop joint military doctrine, particularly in counter-terrorism operations, and improve the ability to operate together over extended distances in various combat environments.
  • To serve as a forum for discussion of regional issues of common interest amongst the member countries.
  • To promote the development of military-to-military contacts between the member countries.
  • To provide opportunities to observe foreign equipment, weapons systems, and operations at firsthand.
  • During the exercises, both countries put forth technology-based systems and equipment in addition to conventional weapons and vehicles of the armed forces of both countries. This helps in attaining interoperability of forces on an international platform.


The Exercise khanjar provides a valuable platform for sharing experiences between participants in a friendly environment and helps to deepen mutual understanding. The shared experiences help to build trust, confidence, and friendship amongst the participants and offer an opportunity to develop professional relationships that last well beyond the exercise itself through exchanges in the form of lectures, seminars, field visits, etc. The definition of the Khanjar army exercise has proven to be boost the military ties between India and Kyrgyzstan. The exercises also allow both countries to hone their military abilities for conducting joint operations and fighting international terrorism.


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