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MCQs on World History

MCQs on "World History": Find the multiple choice questions on "World History", frequently asked for all competitive examinations.

World History, also dubbed Global History, is a field of study that includes the various impactful events around the globe since the beginning. World History can be seen as the study of the past and how the past has brought people closer on the global level through the effects of the events around them. The study of World History started to become more popular during the late twentieth century. Voltaire, Hegel, Karl Marx, and Arnold Toynbee were the leading practitioners of World History. The study of the history of the world can be categorised into three categories- Ancient World, Medieval World, and Modern World.


1. Which civilisation is the oldest in the world?

    1. Egyptian Civilization
    2. Mesopotamian Civilization
    3. Chinese Civilization
    4. Indus Valley Civilization

Answer. B – Mesopotamian Civilization. 

2. Egypt is also called what?

    1. Gift of Nile
    2. Gift of the World
    3. Gift of Sun
    4. Gift of Sphinx

Answer. A – Gift of Nile.

  1. The potter’s wheel was first used in this civilisation.
    1.  Harappan Civilization
    2. Chinese Civilization
    3. Indus Valley Civilization
    4. Mesopotamian Civilization

Answer. D – Mesopotamian Civilization.

  1. The first Olympic Games were held in?
    1. 776 BC
    2. 745 BC
    3. 779 BC
    4. 749 BC

Answer. A – 776 BC. 

  1. Who is known as the father of History?
    1. Sophocles
    2. Homer
    3. Herodotus
    4. Aristophanes

Answer. C – Herodotus.

6. The ‘Age of Renaissance’ started in the century?

    1. 16th Century
    2. 15th Century
    3. 14th Century
    4. 19th Century

Answer. A – 16th Century

  1. When did the Reformation movement start?
    1. 1516
    2. 1518
    3. 1519
    4. 1517

Answer. D – 1517

  1. What was the Reformation movement?
    1. It was a revolt against King Henry VIII.
    2. It was the rise of the Church’s control over Rome.
    3. It was a revolt against the Pope and the letter of Indulgence.
    4. A movement to reform and rebirthing the art and literature of the 16th century.

Answer. C – It was a revolt against the Pope and the letter of Indulgence.

  1. The Industrial Revolution started in?
    1. 1760
    2. 1764
    3. 1761
    4. 1762

Answer. A – 1760 

  1. Where did the Industrial Revolution first start?
    1. Great Britain.
    2. France.
    3. Rome.
    4. America.

Answer. A – Great Britain.

11. Which year did Christopher Columbus discover America?

    1. 1490
    2. 1492
    3. 1491
    4. 1494

Answer. B – 1492

  1. What is the Magna Carta or the Great Charter of 1215?
    1.  It was the Charter to increase the power of the king.
    2. Foundation of ending the tax system in England.
    3. The foundation of Rights and Liberties of English people.
    4. It was the setting stone for the king to rule over the Pope.

Answer. C – Foundation of Rights and Liberties of English People.

  1. The Reformation Movement was started by whom?
    1. King Henry VIII.
    2. Martin Luther.
    3. John Calvin.
    4. William Tyndale.

Answer. B – Martin Luther.

  1. The American war of Independence was fought from _____ to _____.
    1. 1775 – 1784
    2. 1777 – 1783
    3. 1775 – 1783
    4. 1770 – 1780

Answer. C. 1775 – 1783.

  1. What is the idea behind the Boston Tea Party?
    1. Protest against the tax imposed on tea.
    2. Protest against the British rulers in the American colonies.
    3. Protest against the ending of the taxation imposed by the Britishers.
    4. Protest against the difficult conditions of tea plantation workers.

Answer. A. Protest against the tax imposed on tea.

16. When did Americans gain independence?

    1. 4th July 1773
    2. 4th July 1774
    3. 4th July 1771
    4. 4th July 1775

Answer. D. 4th July 1775

17. What is the duration of the French Revolution?

    1. 1788 – 1792
    2. 1789 – 1799
    3. 1789 – 1799
    4. 1781 – 1790

Answer. B. 1789 – 1799

18.What was the slogan for the French Revolution?

    1. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
    2. Liberty, Equality, Reform.
    3. Liberty, Revolution, Equality.
    4. Revolution, Reform, Fraternity.

Answer. A. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

19. The Thirty Years’ war was fought from _____ to _____.

    1. 1618 – 1648.
    2. 1620 – 1640.
    3. 1629 – 1649.
    4. 1619 – 1949.

Answer. A. 1618 – 1648.

20. Whose reign was the king during the French Revolution?

    1. Louis XVI.
    2. Louis XV.
    3. Napoleon.
    4. Louis XIV.

Answer. A. Louis XVI.

21. Which treaty acknowledges the Independence of America?

    1. Treaty of France.
    2. Treaty of America.
    3. Treaty of Paris.
    4. Treaty of Versailles.

Answer. C. Treaty of Paris.

22. What was the purpose behind the Treaty of Westphalia?

    1. The Treaty of Westphalia brought an end to the Eighty Years War between Spain and the Dutch.
    2. The Treaty of Westphalia brought an end to the Thirty Years’ War between the Dutch and the Germans.
    3. The Treaty of Westphalia brought an end to the Thirty Years’ War and The Eighty Years’ War.
    4. None of the above.

Answer. C. Treaty of Westphalia brought an end to the Thirty Years War and The Eighty Years War.

23.The Soviet Union was made up of _____ republics.

    1. 20.
    2. 10.
    3. 17.
    4. 15.

Answer. D. 15.

24. The Unification of Italy happened?

    1. 1848 – 1870.
    2. 1848 – 1871.
    3. 1848 – 1872.
    4. 1849 – 1870.

Answer. B. 1848 – 1871.

25. Who was the revolutionary behind the Unification of Italy?

    1. Guiseppe Garibaldi.
    2. Victor Emmanuel II.
    3. Felice Orsini.
    4. Victor Emmanuel III.

Answer. A. Guiseppe Garibaldi.

26. When did World War I start?

    1. July 28, 1914.
    2. July 28, 1915.
    3. July 25, 1914.
    4. July 28, 1920.

Answer. A. July 28, 1914.

27. World War I ended?

    1. November 10, 1918.
    2. November 11, 1918.
    3. November 11, 1919.
    4. November 10, 1919.

Answer. B. November 11, 1918.

28. What was the policy used by Bismark during the Unification of Germany?

    1. Blood and Iron.
    2. Blood and Sweat.
    3. Iron and Steel.
    4. Patriotism and Blood.

Answer. A. Blood and Iron.

29. Which nation was standing neutral during the First World War?

    1. Italy.
    2. Germany.
    3. Prussia.
    4. Norway.

Answer. D. Norway.

30. When was the Treaty of Versailles imposed upon the nations?

    1. 10 January 1920.
    2. 10 January 1921.
    3. 11 January 1920.
    4. 11, January 1921.

Answer. A. 10 January 1920.

31. What was the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles?

    1. To bring peace between the nations who fought in the First World War.
    2. To bring peace between Germany and France.
    3. To bring unity between the nations of Europe.
    4. None of the Above.

Answer. To bring peace between the nations who fought in the First World War.

32. The Second World War started.

    1. September 1939.
    2. September 1930.
    3. September 1939.
    4. September 1938.

Answer. A. September 1939.

33. The first-ever president appointed in the United States of America was?

    1. George Washington.
    2. Theodore Roosevelt
    3. Abraham Lincoln.
    4. Thomas Jefferson.

Answer. A. George Washington.

34.In which year did France dedicate the Statue of Liberty to America’s Independence.

    1. October 28, 1888.
    2. October 28, 1889.
    3. October 28, 1884.
    4. October 28, 1886.

Answer. D. October 28, 1886.

35. The Second World War ended.

    1. September 1944.
    2. September 1945.
    3. September 1943.
    4. September 1946.

Answer. B. September 1945

36. What was the immediate cause of the beginning of the First World War?

    1. The murder of William I.
    2. The murder of Archduke Ferdinand.
    3. The murder of Victor Emmanuel II.
    4. The murder of William II.

Answer. B. The murder of Archduke Ferdinand.

37. When was the start of the Russian Revolution?

    1. 1919.
    2. 1918.
    3. 1915.
    4. 1917.

Answer. D. 1917.

38. Which ideology was being established and popularised during the Russian revolution?

    1. Fascism.
    2. Marxism.
    3. Communism.
    4. Liberalism.

Answer. B. Marxism.

39. Who presided as the King during the Russian Revolution?

    1. Nicholas II.
    2. Alexander III.
    3. Nicholas I.
    4. Alexander II.

Answer. A. Nicholas II.

40. When was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) or the Soviet Union born?

    1. 1925.
    2. 1920.
    3. 1921.
    4. 1923.

Answer. D. 1923.

41. When did they dissolve the U.S.S.R. or the Soviet Union?

    1. December 25, 1993.
    2. December 24, 1990.
    3. December 25, 1991.
    4. December 24, 1991.

Answer. C. December 25, 1991.

42. When did the Republican Revolution of China start?

    1. October 1910.
    2. October 1911.
    3. October 1914.
    4. October 1912.

Answer. B. October 1911. 

43. Who was the first president of the Republic of China?

    1. Sun Yat-Sen.
    2. Yuan Shik-Kai.
    3. Chiang Kai-Shek.
    4. Li Yuan-Hong.

Answer. A. Sun Yat-Sen.

44. Who is known as the founder of Modern Turkey?

    1. Mustafa Kemal Pasha.
    2. Celal Bayar.
    3. Ismet Inonu.
    4. Cemal Gursel.

Answer. A. Mustafa Kemal Pasha.

45. When was Turkey proclaimed as a Republic?

    1. October 1929.
    2. October 1923.
    3. October 1930.
    4. October 1927.

Answer. B. October 1923

46. When was the Russo – Japanese war fought?

    1. February 1901 to September 1905.
    2. February 1900 to September 1901.
    3. February 1904 to September 1905.
    4. February 1903 to September 1904.

Answer. C. February 1904 to September 1905.

47. What was the ultimate cause of the Second World War?

    1. Invasion of Prussia.
    2. Invasion of Austria.
    3. Invasion of Poland.
    4. Invasion of Italy.

Answer. C. Invasion of Poland.

48. Who was the first sailor who discovered India through the seaway?

    1. Vasco de Gama.
    2. Ferdinand Magellan.
    3. Christopher Columbus.
    4. Marco Polo.

Answer. A. Vasco de Gama.