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Internal Security

MCQs on "Internal Security ": Find the multiple choice questions on "Internal Security ", frequently asked for all competitive examinations.

First of all, it is important to know what internal security is and how does it work? Internal security generally refers to the security of a country within its borders. Internal security is a very old terminology, but its meaning has changed over time. 

Before independence, picketing, rallies, communal riots, and religious hysteria were at the center of internal security, whereas after independence, the developing systems of science and technology have made internal security more sensitive and complex. Internal security is an extremely important aspect of national security. It is related to law and order, protection of property of the people, unity, and integrity of the country. 

To safeguard the fundamental rights and human rights of the country, it is necessary to have strong internal security. These internal security threats have increased tremendously in the last few years. Therefore, it is imperative to make others aware of the security threats and the multifaceted and deadly consequences of terrorism. So What can facilitate the formulation of effective plans? Though India has established itself as an important nation in the global scenario still threats to internal security continue to terrify the nation.


Q1. What is meant by internal security?

    1. from the security of the country
    2. internal and external security of a territory
    3. Ensuring law and peace within the internal borders of a sovereign country while curbing disruptive and illegal activities.
    4. from the protection of the constitution of the country

Answer: C

Explanation: Internal security ensures law and peace while curbing disruptive and illegal activities within the internal borders of a sovereign country. The country’s security is done in many ways, but protecting and controlling the activities happening inside the country comes under the category of internal security.

Q2. What is not included in internal security?

    1. Prevention of illegal activities within borders of the country 
    2. To prevent activities that are detrimental to the security of the country
    3. maintaining law and order
    4. protection of foreign affairs

Answer: D

Explanation: The following things are included in the country’s internal security

    1. To prevent illegal activities within the internal borders of the country
    2. To prevent activities that are detrimental to the security of the country
    3. Maintenance of law and order
    4. Ensuring the rule of law and implementation of constitutional provisions

Whereas the security of foreign affairs does not come under internal security.

Q3. Which of the following is not a measure to maintain internal security?

    1. To equip the defense forces with modern weapons.
    2. To protect the citizens residing outside the country.
    3. Developing strong organizational mechanisms to deal with cybercrimes.
    4. Stringent laws and their effective implementation to end corruption.

Answer: B

Explanation: Implementation of the development plan under measures to maintain internal security, bridging the gap between administration and public, strong laws for corruption and their implementation, improving the level of the education system and public awareness, modernizing the defense forces Providing weapons, and developing a robust mechanism to deal with cybercrime.

Q4. Which are not the factors of the internal security of India?

    1. To maintain internal peace and security in the country.
    2. Peaceful coexistence and maintaining communal harmony
    3. Not maintaining law and order.
    4. Security of the sovereignty of the nation

Answer: C

Explanation: The following are the components of internal security.

    1. Protecting the Sovereignty of the Nation
    2. To maintain internal peace and security in the country
    3. Maintenance of law and order
    4. To maintain peaceful coexistence and communal harmony

Q5. Which are not the challenges facing internal security?

    1. hunting animals
    2. Drug trade
    3. Money Laundering
    4. Religious fanaticism and ethnic conflict

Answer: A

Explanation: Following are the challenges facing internal security.

  • racism
  • Religious Bigotry and Ethnic Conflict
  • Corruption
  • Drug trade
  • Money Laundering
  • Terrorism
  • Organized crime

Q6. What are the drawbacks of internal security management?

    1. Not modifying its internal security principle according to the circumstances
    2. Making long term policies
    3. Not complying with the old system
    4. Government is serious about complying with judicial directions.

Answer: A

Explanation: To remove the shortcomings of internal security management, the government should also keep revising its internal security principle from time to time according to the circumstances like other countries. What should be long-term policies to solve the problems? A new system should be adopted, leaving the old system.

Q7. What are the measures to improve internal security?

    1. By raising the economic standard of living of the people
    2. by giving jobs to people
    3. By running an anti-Naxalism and terrorism campaign
    4. none of these

Answer: C

Explanation: India can improve its internal security by improving various things. Such as by managing and monitoring the border with the help of technology, creating special cells in every department for cyber security, immediate attention towards modernization of the police force of the states, running anti-Naxalism and terrorism operations by the security forces, etc.

Q8. For what reasons can the internal security of the country be threatened?

    1. from the capital of foreign nationals
    2. Minerals found outside the country’s border
    3. Weak cyber security of the country
    4. International conference to be held in the country

Answer: C

Explanation: If the cyber security of any country is weak, then a lot of sensitive data can be stolen by another country. In today’s digital era, data is a very important thing. Advances in information technology have also opened the way for new possibilities in the field of criminal activities. Cyber ​​laws have also been made to deal with such crimes. But there is a need to make these cyber laws more stringent as well as build a cyber army in the country.

Q9. When was the Internal Security Act passed?

    1. 1961
    2. B.1971
    3. 1972
    4. 1962

Answer: B

Explanation: The Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) was a controversial law passed by the Indian Parliament in 1971. In this, too many powers were given to the institutions maintaining law and order. During the Emergency (1975–1977), it underwent several amendments and was imposed on many political prisoners. It was finally abolished in 1977 by the Janata Party government, which came after the defeat of Indira Gandhi. It was finally abolished in 1977 by the Janata Party government, which came after the defeat of Indira Gandhi.

Q10. What is the MISA law related to?

    1. Foreign Policy
    2. from the defense of the country
    3. from foreign nationals
    4. from internal security

Answer: D

Explanation: MISA stands for Maintenance of Internal Security Act which was passed by Parliament in 1971. This is such a law, which is a law to be passed by the Indian Parliament under the Internal Security System Act. The rights of the institutions to maintain order were included in this law. When this law was being implemented, many amendments were also made in it from 1975 to 1977, and it was applied to many political prisoners.

Q11. How can we cooperate on the internal security of the country?

    1. By increasing own income
    2. earning money by going abroad
    3. To follow the constitution and law itself and get others to do it too
    4. by helping others

Answer: C

Explanation: If all the citizens follow the law and constitution of the country sincerely, then the citizens of the country can cooperate in many internal things. In the same way, we as citizens can also contribute to internal security by respecting and following the law and constitution of the country.

Q12. What is not included in the components of internal security principle?

    1. Cyber Security
    2. Border Management
    3. Tax Evasion
    4. Center-State Coordination

Answer: C

Explanation: Space security principles are based on a broad range of factors.

  • Political
  • Socio-economic
  • Administrative
  • police
  • Intelligence
  • Center-State Coordination
  • Cyber ​​security
  • Border Management

Q13. What measures have been taken to strengthen internal security in the last years?

    1. Unlawful Activities Act 1967
    2. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme
    3. Stand up India Scheme
    4. Income Tax Act 1961

Answer: A

Explanation: The Unlawful Activities Act 1967 has been enacted to more effectively prevent certain unlawful activities of individuals and associations and matters connected in addition to that. Many other measures were also adopted in this, such as the National Intelligence Net Grid, the establishment of the National Investigation Agency, the establishment of the Financial Action Task Force, etc.

Q14. How many kilometers of the border does India share with Pakistan?

    1. 3323 KM
    2. 3488 KM
    3. 1643 KM
    4. 699 KM

Answer: A

Explanation: India shares a geographical boundary of about 3330 km with its innate enemy Pakistan. On which the army of our country monitors 24 hours. Talk about the same thing, China shares a border of about 3488 km with India, and Myanmar shares a border of 1613 km with India.