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MCQs on Anthropology

MCQs on Anthropology : Anthropology is the subject of understanding humans through their present and past. This subject helps us to know the history of civilizations as well as know about their early life and habits.

This subject helps us resolve issues within an individual, society and any gathering of people. Anthropology helps us to analyze the thinking skills of people and their approach to each problem. Anthropology makes us closer to solving crimes, understanding evolution, knowing future evolution, and connecting humans with hierarchical ancestors. Anthropology gives notation to the survival of the fittest and their progression in evolution. Technological advances in human resources are also understood from archaeological remnants. This science is used in forensics and history to connect with the past to understand the upcoming future of our living. Studying archaeology gives you better knowledge and a future in teaching, formulating government policy, and doing business with consulting. Let us look into some easy and tricky multiple-choice questions on the subject of archaeology with answers and with appropriate explanations. 

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not a part of the anthropological perspective?

A. Holism

B. Cultural relativism

C. Ethnocentrism

D. Cross-culture study 

Answer: (C) Ethnocentrism

This is a form of study through an individual perspective where the individual gets to know another culture or religion concerning his culture. These studies can bring down the cultural similarities and variations between the individual cultures. This form of study helps people to trace down the archaeological relevance of another culture.

2. The notion or concept that all cultures are read in correlation with one another is _____________.

A. Holism

B. Cultural relativism 

C. Ethnocentrism 

D. Glocalization

Answer: (A) Holism

This is a form of study that involves the study of one religion concerning another. Similarities, methods, and beliefs are compared with one another 

3. The research description produced by a scientist regarding the religion and its religious practices at a place is called as ________________

A. Ethnocentrism 

B. Ethnicity 

C. Ethnocide

D. Ethnography 

Answer: (D) Ethnography 

This is the study of individual behaviour in certain cultures and logical ways toward the situation. 

4. Understanding other cultures from the perspective of your culture is called as

A. Ethnocentrism 

B. Ethnicity 

C. Cultural relativism

D. Cultural anthropology 

Answer: (A) Ethnocentrism 

This is a form of study through an individual perspective where the individual gets to know another culture or religion concerning his culture. These studies can bring down the cultural similarities and variations between the individual cultures. This form of study helps people trace the archaeological relevance to another culture. 

5. Who said, “Ideas about race, culture and peoplehood or ethnicity have long served to orient anthropology’s inquiries?

A. Bartholin’s 

B. Otto Gassmann

C. Eric R Wolf 

D. Magnus Hundt 

Answer: (C) Eric R wolf

He is a renowned Marxist and anthropologist. He is known for his work and studies regarding the peasants in historical Latin America. 

6. During the Cultural Renaissance in Germany, whose work did the word archaeology first appear?

A. Bartholin’s 

B. Otto Gassmann

C. Eric R wolf 

D. Both a and b

Answer: (D) both A and B

Both Bartholins and Otto Cassmann wrote about the unique topic of archaeology in the popular Renaissance era in their German literature. This made the word popular among the German nobles and literate. Soon the archaeological study grew a fond among the German citizens.

7. Anthropology is defined as Anthropology. That is to say, the science that treats man is divided ordinarily and with reason into Anatomy, which considers the body and the parts, and Psychology, which speaks of the soul.

A. Paul bocca 

B. Charles Darwin

C. Bartholin’s

D. Magnus Hundt

Answer: (C) Bartholins 

He is the founder of Copenhagen University. Bartholin coined the term anthropology with a proper definition.

8. A neurosurgeon, apart from neurology, did impressive work in anthropological research and gave us many unique concepts.

A. Paul Broca 

B. Charles Darwin

C. Bartholin’s

D. Magnus Hundt

Answer: (A) Paul Broca

He is a renowned French anatomist and anthropologist. He is known for naming a neural area in the human brain called the Brocca’s area.

This area is responsible for speech and coordination of speech. This area is also called the motor area in the brain.

9. During the early 20th century, the United States developed the four regimens or field approaches to understanding anthropology as a traditional model. This method was advised by __________?

A. Franz Boas 

B. Adam F kollar 

C. Bartholin’s

D. Magnus Hundt

Answer: (A) Franz boas 

Franz Uri Boas is known as the father of modern American anthropology. He is a renowned anthropologist. He is known for his contributions to cultural relativism and historical particularism. These two concepts made him renowned. He was born in Prussia, present Germany. 

10. Ethnology term coined and defined by __________________?

A. Étienne Serres  

B. Charles Darwin     

C. Adam F. Kollár

D. Franz Boas

Answer: (C) Adam F. Kollar 

He was a Slovak jurist, historian, and ethnologist. He started his career as a librarian. He was renowned for coining the term ethnology in the year 1783.

11. What is the nature of the strategy for survival?

A. Association 

D. Artificial selection 

C. Rejection

D. Adaptation 

Answer: (D) Adaptation 

This is the form of evolution in organisms to adapt to the environment that the organism is supposed to live in. This form of strategy helps the organism to survive and propagate in the environment.

12. Medical anthropology is a study about?

A. Health   

B. Disease    

C. Mental health

D. forensics 

Answer: (A) Health 

To know the future evolution of the human body and know about the disease that can be a risk to humankind, we have medical anthropology. This subject helps individuals ponder on organs, metabolism, and function of the human body. The collaborative efforts of all organ systems make the body coordinated.

13. What is the term used to call the leaders of military, religious, and political organizations?

A. Chief

B. Dictator 

C. King

D. Big man

Answer: (A) Chief 

Individuals from biblical times follow these historical terms. Chief can be a clan leader, religious addressing, or any other organization. He is responsible for the action, rules formulated, and actions the organization takes. He guides the mob and takes responsibility for their actions. His notion of guiding people through wise words makes him a suitable candidate to address his gathering as a chief.

14. In the caste or society of the common trait, people doing common occupations with similar characteristics are called as ________________.

A. Clean 

B. Purity

C. Impurity

D. None of the above 

Answer: (B) Purity

As the person follows the traits and rituals pertained to his society or caste, he is called pure. He did not opt for other options from another group of society. So he is pure according to archaeological science 

15. The notion that is used to define the maximum biological number of births is _______________.

A. Birth rate

B. Fecundity

C. Sex ratio 

D. Fertility 

Answer:(D) Fecundity 

This is defined as the maximum ability of an individual or an organism to reproduce in its complete lifetime. This is influenced by different factors-age, education, socioeconomic status, job, etc.

16. The system or organization where a hierarchical female heir inherits the power to the throne is called the _________________.

A. Patriarchy

B. Matriarchy

C. Patrilineal

D. Matrilineal 

Answer: (D) Matrilineal 

As the term suggests, maternal lineage in the rule is called Matrilineal.

17. The evolving process of Cultural ecology is called _________________. 

A. Human nature

B. Human Adaptation 

C. Human culture 

D. Human behaviour 

Answer: (B) Human Adaptation

The notion of survival of the fittest is followed in all aspects. Even in culture, humans specialize the practices to their benefit and need. For example, language is spoken by humans to communicate with each other. Still, there is the evolution of many languages to support the interests of the individuals.

18. Who noted that capitalism is the product of one sector of people in Christianity?

A. Spencer 

B. Karl Marx

C. Emil Durkheim

D. Max Weber

Answer: (D) Max Weber 

He is a renowned German jurist and economist. He stated the maximum Weber theory of bureaucracy that denotes business tasks among the employees to make the work easier and quicker. This division of labour is advised based on the qualifications possessed by the labour.

19. The process of spreading a Cultural trail from one group to another is called _______________.

A. Folkways  

B. Cultural diffusion 

C. Counter culture  

D. Cultural complexes

Answer: (B) Cultural diffusion

It is the creation of variation from the existing culture associated with individual culture. This is mostly seen in our country as we serve the motto of unity in diversity. Diffusions are indirect, direct, expansion and relocation.

20. Define an illiterate person.

A. A person who can read

B. A person who can read and write

C. A person who can only write

D. None of these

Answer: (B) A person who can read and write 

A person aged above seven years is eligible for qualification to be acknowledged as a literate or an illiterate person. A person who knows to read and write well in one language is literate. The number of literate per total number of people above seven years living in the society multiplied by 100 gives the desired literacy rate. In India, Kerala is a literate state with a literacy rate of more than 90 percent.