UPSC » Internal Security Notes » Types of Organised Crimes

Types of Organised Crimes

Check out more details regarding Organised Crimes below.


There are various types of organised crimes, such as:

  • Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse: A survey conducted by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in 2019 showed drug use in India continues unabated. The Mental Health Care Act (2017) has included alcohol and drug use disorder in its ambit. Last year a study identified more than 1,000 drug listings selling in exchange for cryptocurrencies. 
  • Smuggling: According to the World Gold Council, 120 tonnes of gold were smuggled into India in 2019-20, accounting for around 15% to 17% of the country’s yearly demand. Previous reports have also highlighted the smuggling of machinery, cigarettes and electronic items, causing substantial damages to the revenues and fees India would have collected. 
  • Money laundering and hawala activities: IMF, as well as the World Bank, estimates that around 2-4 % of Global GDP stems from illicit sources; IMF has estimated that money laundering generates $500 billion to $1.5 trillion a year. Different individuals have been caught operating big hawala rackets across India. 
  • Prostitution: In India, as many as 10 million commercial sex workers are living in deplorable conditions and getting exploited at the hands of the agents; surveys have also shown that an estimated 1.2 million children are involved in prostitution. 
  • Illegal immigration: The crime in India statistics 2018, released by NCRB, shows in 2016, 2,712 cases were registered under various laws governing people living in India illegally (Acts such as Citizenship Act, Passport Act etc.), it fell to 1,724 cases in 2018. 
  • Arms Trading: Rising crime, armed conflicts and terrorism are directly linked to arms proliferation. Organised gangs do not manufacture arms but establish and maintain a clandestine network from sellers to buyers, enabling the proliferation of firearms seamlessly. Left-wing extremism, militancy and other armed movements in the north-east owe their position today to firearms. 
  • Cyber Crimes: Hacking, computer network breaches, copyright piracy, software piracy, child pornography, password sniffers and credit card frauds are some of the new crimes committed by gangs.
  • Wildlife Trafficking: Trade in wildlife is a money-generating business for organised criminal groups. Poaching of skin and body parts of animals and smuggling of live exotic wildlife is a rising crime today. Elephant ivory, rhino horn and tiger parts are most in demand. Rumours that they have aphrodisiac powers are the leading cause of the demand in Asia.