UPSC » Internal Security Notes » The Network Threats in Communication Network

The Network Threats in Communication Network

Check out more details regarding The Network Threats in Communication Network below.

Computer Virus 

  • It’s a type of harmful programme or code designed to alter the way a computer works and spread from one system to the next. 
  • In order to execute its code, a virus inserts or attaches itself to a valid document or application. A virus has the power to have unexpected or harmful outcomes throughout this procedure, such as hurting system software by corrupting or erasing data. 
  • Computer Viruses have the potential to cause significant damage to computers along with associated cyber-crimes. If a virus is installed onto a network, it will infect all of the machines on the network since the virus will make copies of itself and propagate across networks.


  • A worm is comparable to a virus; however, unlike a virus, a worm may run without the help of a host application. Installing a security firewall, such as Windows Firewall, that protects the computer against threats such as viruses and worms is required to guard against worms. 

Trojan Horse 

  • A Trojan Horse is software that hides malicious or damaging code inside seemingly safe programmes or data in order to gain control and do damage, such as destroying the file allocation table on the user’s hard disc. 
  • If a Trojan Horse is installed on a computer in a network and interferes with the file allocation table, it can cause significant damage to all machines in that network. 


  • Spam is a type of link that positions itself on the internet with multiple copies of the same link in an attempt to force it on those who would not otherwise choose to accept it. 


  • Phishing is a security threat that takes advantage of a user’s personal information. Phishing is a type of email fraud in which the perpetrator sends out emails that appear to be authentic in order to get personal and financial information from recipients. 
  • Phishing is one of the most dangerous security dangers on a network since many people who use computers connected to a network are inexperienced and might easily give out information that could lead to financial or identity theft. 
  • Phishing is when a hacker presents itself as a trustworthy party and sends you a fraudulent email, hoping you will expose your personal information voluntarily. Sometimes they lead you to fake “reset your password” screens; other times, the links install malicious code on your device. 
  • Spear phishing is when a hacker targets you specifically with an e-mail that appears to be from a friend, colleague, or associate.