UPSC » Internal Security Notes » SMART Policing

SMART Policing

Check out more details regarding Issue of Smart Policing below.


During the 49th DGs/IGs Annual Conference in 2014, the Prime Minister introduced the concept of S.M.A.R.T Police. 

  • It implies: 
  • Sensitive and Strict
  • Modern and Mobile 
  • Alert and Accountable 
  • Reliable and Responsive 
  • Trained and Techno Savvy 
  • The best practices have been shortlisted in accordance with the ten attributes of ‘SMART’ policing. A compilation of best practices and SMART policing initiatives has been released. 
  • The positive stories/good work being done at the Police Station level are highlighted on the website of the office of District SSP/SP and Commissioner of Police.