UPSC » Internal Security Notes » Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)

Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)

Check out more details regarding Research and Analysis Wing below.


The Research and Analysis Wing is the external intelligence agency of India. Until 1968, the Intelligence Bureau was made responsible for internal and external intelligence activities. The Indo-China war of 1962 and the Indo-Pakistan war of 1965 has shown gaps in the intelligence gathered by the IB. The IB failed to estimate the military preparation of China and Pakistan in the wars of 1962 and 1965. Against this backdrop, the then Indira Gandhi government felt the need for a dedicated agency for external intelligence gathering resulting in the formation of RAW.

Role of RAW 

  • To monitor developments in the neighbouring countries that have a direct bearing on India’s National security. 
  • To carry out covert operations to protect India’s National interests.
  • Anti-terror operations and neutralising terror elements pose a threat to India. 
  • Provision of security services to India’s nuclear programme. 
  • To gather intelligence about the organisation and leadership capabilities of various insurgency groups operating in other countries that pose a danger to the security and integrity of India and to neutralise them. 
  • Control and limit the military equipment supply to Pakistan, mostly from European countries, America and China. 
  • Moulding international public view and influencing foreign governments through a strong and vibrant Diaspora.