UPSC » Internal Security Notes » Concerns about Communications Networks

Concerns about Communications Networks

Check out more details regarding Concerns about Communications Networks below.


Information warfare is a term used to describe cyberattacks that destabilise key infrastructures such as nuclear plants, power grids, dams, and stock exchange operations. The violation of privacy, due to data theft from various social media sites. Hackers can utilise the networks to reroute, block, and restructure transactions, erase data, create false data, freeze assets, steal customer and staff credentials, and create fake credentials.

  • There is access to much of the information and knowledge available on the internet, but they are also prone to exposing their own credentials to cyber terrorists looking for any opportunity to steal personal information and use it against the public. 
  • They can also target public portals, causing communication networks to be disrupted and important information to be leaked. 
  • Penetration of the value chain of communications network infrastructure production and espionage via this invasion. Theft of a people’s essential medical history data. 
  • Changing and destroying data on the website, as well as interfering with its operations. 
  • Infringement of intellectual property rights through digital piracy. 
  • Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters are all potential risks. These natural disasters have the potential to cause physical harm to the communication network, for example, the 2010 Fukushima Daiichi Accident in Japan.