UPSC » Internal Security Notes » Central Armed Police Forces

Central Armed Police Forces

Check out the details regarding Central Armed Police Forces below.


A paramilitary force is organised like an army and executes either civil or military functions. The Central Armed Police Forces (commonly described as Paramilitary forces) play a vital role in border security as well as internal security. Their responsibility is to defend the national interest mainly against internal threats.

  • The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) manages seven central police forces, which help in internal security and law and order. 
  • The ‘Border Guarding Forces’ are the BSF (Border Security Force), ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police), AR (Assam Rifles), and SSB (Seema Suraksha Bal), whilst the CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) is assigned to help the Civil Administration under the State Governments / UT Administrations in situations relating to public order, internal security, and counterinsurgency. 
  • Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), airports, atomic power plants, space organisations, industrial units, key national museums, Government buildings in Delhi, and other important sensitive institutions are all protected by the CISF (Central Industrial Security Force). 
  • Furthermore, the National Security Guard (NSG) is a specialised strike force that specialises in anti-terrorist and antihijacking operations. 

There are various central armed police forces and paramilitary forces maintained by the centre. Out of the four forces that guard India’s borders, three forces perform specialised tasks.

  • Assam Rifles (AR): Guards the Indian border with Myanmar. 
  • Border Security Force (BSF): Guards Indian borders with Pakistan & Bangladesh. 
  • Indo Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP): Guards the Indian border with China. 
  • Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB): Guards Bhutan Indian borders with Nepal 
  • Central Industrial Security Force (CISF): Providing security cover to space establishments, nuclear installations, airports, seaports, power plants, sensitive Government buildings and even heritage monuments.
  • Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF): Crowd control, riot control, counter insurgency/ militancy operations, dealing with left-wing extremism (LWE), effective coordination of large-scale security arrangements, especially with respect to elections in disturbed areas, fighting enemy in the event of War, participating in the UN Peace-Keeping Mission as per Government policy, rescue and relief operations in the time of natural calamities and disasters. 
  • National Security Guards (NSG): Highly specialised force in carrying out counterterrorism, bomb disposals, counter-hijacking, hostage-rescue operations and post-blast investigation. Along with these, NSG also provides security to VIP personalities and important events.