UPSC » Governance Notes » Historical Background of Civil Services in India

Historical Background of Civil Services in India

  • The Mauryan empire was supposed to be the first government or empire to use Civil Servants under the guise of adhyakshas and other titles.
  • The Mughal empire also had administrative systems like the state officers were mainly responsible for collection of land revenue systems.
  • The modern administrative system was formed by the British government in India. The main aim of this well organised administrative system is to collect revenue and strong hold on their possessions in India. The founder of this modern bureaucratic system was founded by Wellesley, who was the Governor-General from 1798 to 1805, and established Fort William College in 1800 in Calcutta. In this college the employees of the company are required to attend a three year course.
  • The main role of Bureaucracy during the British rule was to maintain law and order. And collection of revenue and enforcement of law and order.
  • Once India got independence, civil servants played a significant role in enforcing law and order, financial administration, formulation, and implementation of the welfare policies for achieving various social and economic goals.

With the inauguration of the Constitution of India in January 26, 1950, the Federal Public Service Commission came to be known as the Union Public Service Commission, and the Chairman and Members of the Federal Public Service Commission became Chairman and Members of the Union Public Service Commission by virtue of Clause (1) of Article 378 of the Constitution.