UPSC » Disaster Management Notes » Role of Agriculture Department in Disaster Management

Role of Agriculture Department in Disaster Management

In Pre-disaster:

  • Ensure active involvement of local bodies and departments in creating a disaster management plan based on HVRC analysis (Contingency Action Plan) and updated quarterly.
  • A proper network of communication among the Agriculture colleges, the District Control Room and public/private nurseries lying in the division should be maintained for emergency use.
  • Revisions and updates are necessary for precautionary measures and procedures.
  • Stocking up of essential items such as medical drugs and farming materials should be stopped during the disaster.
  • A review of the potential damages/losses and potential diseases and stocks of drugs and insecticides is necessary prior to the establishment of extension teams for crop protection. Therefore, make sure that additional supplies and materials can be obtained in a timely manner.
  • Disaster resilient crops and seeds can be developed and suggested for cultivation. These varieties of crops can minimise the losses and risks for farmers.
  • Pest and disease monitoring programs can help in the protection of crops, and in collaboration with NGOs and other volunteer groups, the department can spread awareness among farmers.

During and in Post-disaster:

  • An emergency meeting should be called for a better understanding of the situation, and an early recovery blueprint and strategy should be developed accordingly.
  • Determination of the extent of soil damage, crop damage, damage to plants, irrigation systems and storage facilities is essential to decide whether replanting is helpful or not.
  • All valuable equipment and instruments should be stored in damage-resistant rooms with protective coverings.
  • All electrical equipment should be unplugged after receiving the disaster warning.
  • Soil and water testing laboratories should be identified.
  • To impart agricultural services, the department should work in collaboration with the DRDA, site operation centres and the irrigation department.
  • Supply of certified seeds at depots and appointment of the agents can be ensured by taking the assistance from the facilities of National Seeds Corporation.
  • Post signs in public places such as bus stops, bus stops, public health centers, block headquarters, tehsils, etc., indicating where seeds are available. Proper record-keeping procedures should be followed when disseminating, storing, and transporting these items.
  • Waterlogging and salinity issues can be resolved by performing frequent and regular cleaning operations.
  • For emergencies, a plan for the accommodation of agriculture staff outside the area should be kept in consideration.
  • By setting up a public information centre, the department can disseminate information among the community about its capabilities and limitations during major disasters.
  • Farmers should be helped get fair prices for their products by re-establishing their contacts with the agricultural market.
  • An agriculture loan dispersal plan should be prepared.