Our mother nature has provided us with various natural assets that we can use in our everyday life. These are present in society since the existence of the earth got inhabited by living organisms. Natural assets, also known as natural resources are the resources that are present naturally on our planet. These have numerous benefits to us like fossil fuels, providing fruits and vegetables, solar energy, oxygen and mineral fuels. On the basis of renewability, natural resources have different categorisations. Natural Resources are split up into two sections namely, Renewable and Non-renewable resources. They differ from each other based on their existence, exhaustibility, and several other fundamental aspects.
Difference between Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources
Renewable resources can be defined as those resources that are present naturally to us and even their continuous consumption doesn’t affect their existence on our planet. On the other hand, Non-Renewable Resources are termed as exhaustive resources and can get exhausted with their continuous and perpetual consumption.
Environmental impact
Renewable resources include resources like sunlight, air and water that don’t emit a large amount of carbon. Thus, they have a low carbon footprint. However, the Non-Renewable Resources comparatively emit a larger carbon and this has a comparatively high carbon footprint. Thus, Non-Renewable Resources have a more damaging impact on the environment than Renewables.
Upfront Cost
The upfront cost for the maintenance of Renewable Resources is higher than the Non-Renewable Resources. If we take an example of this, we may notice that the cost for generating electricity using the technology is higher than when we generate it using fossil fuels.
Infrastructure requirements
Under this, a difference occurs in the fact that infrastructural requirements for Renewable Resources are more than what is needed for Non-Renewable. You won’t find the accessibility to Renewable Resources that easy, but Non-Renewable Resources have widespread accessibility in almost all the countries of the world.
Area requirements
The area requirements for setting up solar farms and wind farms is more than what is required for the utilisation of Non-Renewable Resources. Thus, a larger area is required for Renewable Resources and Non-renewable resource comparatively requires a lesser area.
The continuous consumption of the Non-Renewable Resources can lead to their exhaustion. While on the other hand, this isn’t the case with Renewable Resources. They don’t get depleted with their continual consumption.
Renewable Resources include resources like solar energy, crops, wind, water, and geothermal energy. On the other hand, Non-Renewable Resources comprise petroleum, natural gas and Coal.
The benefits of Renewable Resources go from their unlimitedness to their environment-friendly nature. Unlike the Non-Renewable Resources, these never run out and are available to the people at affordable rates. Interestingly, these don’t create pollutants and any kind of greenhouse gases.
Non-Renewable Resources have numerous benefits ranging from their abundance to cost-effectiveness. These kinds of resources are easy to use. They are accessible and available to all people around the world.
What can we do to save our natural resources from getting exhausted?
Stopping the use of natural resources doesn’t mean that we should completely stop its use, rather we can make use of these resources efficiently. It is upon us how we will take care of the natural resources. Conservation means using the natural resources wisely and without wasting them unnecessarily. Also, it should be noted, if it is known that the renewable resources can’t be depleted that doesn’t mean they can’t get exhausted. If you make unnecessary use of something, it is bound to get exhausted, even if it comes under the category of Renewable Resources.
If these can get exhausted, what can we do to take care of the natural resources? Most importantly, we can pertain to the policy of reducing, reuse and recycling. If you can, you should go on bicycles, rather than use vehicles that cause pollution in the environment. Each time you are reducing, reusing and recycling something, you are taking a step forward towards a better environment. Everything around us is full of natural resources, not all of the use can be alleviated from human usage. But one can reduce excessive and undue use.
Both kinds of resources, be it Renewable or Non-Renewable Resources are important to all of us. We must take proper care of them as our future solely depends on them and how we make their utilisation for our purposes. Remember to create less pollution around yourself and use such things that create less pollution and have a less effect on the environment. Make sure to process the garbage in its correct place, that’s what is called a waste stream, where you process the garbage in its appropriate place, to save nature. So, one should keep the environment safe for a decent living.