Empire and kingdom are two types of states which are very different in their nature. An empire is a group of separate, but related states that are ruled by a single country. A kingdom is what we might more commonly call a country, or nation-state.
Empire refers to the system where one power has control over many separate kingdoms (parts) which are all part of the empire. The power which controls these empires can vary from military strength to economic power and militant forces under them or almost anything like alliances with other countries or even just through good negotiations with them. The point being they have domination over these kingdoms no matter what they individually want in terms of religion, map, culture and language etc. This can be a good or bad thing depending on your opinion. You could call the British Empire a good thing as they brought many benefits to the countries, they conquered such as modern medicine, culture, technology, as well as rule of law and order. But you could also say it was bad because many of the people in other countries did not want to be under the control of the British and had their own religions, cultures, wants and needs yet were kept under these against their will.
Therefore, empires are seen in a negative light by some people and in a positive light by others. It simply depends on your personal views if you see an empire in a good or bad light.
What is an Empire?
An empire is a group of separate, but related states that are ruled by a single country. This can be done through force or by choice. At times it can be done through voluntary means where the countries that are being ruled choose to join the empire for their own benefit and protection as well as partial domination. In short, it is a country that rules over many other countries. It can be done through military strength like a giant state that can conquer and rule over other smaller countries or through economic power or resources that are shared. Empires can also be purely ideological such as communism where the rulers of the empire have a single ideology and socialism where there is no ideology but only control of resources.
What is Kingdom?
A kingdom is a country or nation-state. It is a government that rules over its own citizens, or can be ruled by an external power. A kingdom can be formed from an empire either voluntarily by the people of the country agreeing to give up their sovereignty to a foreign sovereignty, or involuntarily where the rulers of that country are conquered by another force. In short, it is a country which has used force to gain power over its own people.
Definitions of Empire and Kingdom
In history, the Roman Empire was made of a lot of separate states that were then ruled by the emperor. At times some of these states were conquered and brought under the rule of Rome while other parts remained independent under their own rulers. Other countries such as Nubia (present day Sudan), Persia and Egypt that ruled over large parts or Empires in their own right did not become part of Rome.
Difference between Empire and Kingdom
- An empire is a group of separate, but related states that are ruled by a single country. A kingdom is what we might more commonly call a country, or nation-state
- An empire can be formed from an empire either voluntarily by the people of the country agreeing to give up their sovereignty to a foreign sovereignty, or involuntarily where the rulers of that country are conquered by another force. In short, it is a country which has used force to gain power over its own people
- A kingdom is a country or nation-state. It is a government that rules over its own citizens, or can be ruled by an external power. A kingdom can be formed from an empire either voluntarily by the people of the country agreeing to give up their sovereignty to a foreign sovereignty, or involuntarily where the rulers of that country are conquered by another force. In short, it is a country which has used force to gain power over its own people
In this article, we have seen the difference between an empire and kingdom. They are different in their natures and in the way they are formed. An empire is a cluster of independent states that have come under the control of one central power, while a kingdom is simply a country or nation-state that has been ruled by another power.
A kingdom on its own is generally not seen as an evil thing by people, it simply means that there has been another country powerful enough to rule over them.