UPSC » UPSC Difference Between Different Topics » Afforestation and Deforestation

Afforestation and Deforestation

Are you willing to understand the difference between Afforestation and Deforestation? Then this article is for you. But, first, learn about more such concepts like Afforestation, Deforestation, and Reforestation, along with the difference between Afforestation and Reforestation.

Difference between Afforestation and Deforestation

Trees are extremely vital not only for us but for the entire atmosphere. Trees provide numerous advantages to the environment as well as individuals. Trees are known as the lungs of Earth. The two terms: Afforestation and Deforestation, are related to trees. Both the terms are the exact opposites or the antonyms of each other.  Where Afforestation has a positive impact on the environment, deforestation negatively affects the environment and individuals. Therefore, afforestation must be done individually, and deforestation should be avoided. 

The major difference between afforestation and deforestation is:

  1. Deforestation means the destroying/cutting of trees. On the other hand, afforestation means planting more trees to benefit oneself or others.
  2. Deforestation is extremely hazardous, not only for oneself but also for the whole environment. But, on the other hand, afforestation is so vital that if we require life on this planet, we need to plant more trees.
  3. Deforestation should not be encouraged. Instead, afforestation should be done frequently.
  4. Deforestation is undesirable and leads to converting green land into barren land. Afforestation is desirable and leads from barren wasteland to greener land.
  5. Deforestation leads to forest fires, urbanisation, and mining activities. Once we foster afforestation, we will observe a favourable temperature, more rainfall, prevention of soil erosion, and others.
  6. Deforestation results in a gain in carbon dioxide leading to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Afforestation results in an increase in oxygen gas, leading to a favourable temperature.
  7. Deforestation is also known as the antonym of afforestation or reforestation. 

Deforestation, Afforestation, and Reforestation 

Deforestation is known as clearing forests or removing trees for agricultural, commercial, housing, or firewood use without planting trees again and without giving time to the forest to regenerate itself. Deforestation is never desired. Deforestation disturbs the ecological balance and leads to several disadvantages. 

Afforestation is known for growing more trees to benefit the environment, such as more rainfall, better climate, and more such advantages. Afforestation is a desirable procedure. Afforestation should be encouraged and can be done on an individual level by following simple steps. 

Reforestation refers to growing those trees that have been destroyed due to deforestation. Reforestation helps restore the trees, leading to so many benefits similar to afforestation. Reforestation does wonders to land turned barren due to deforestation. Reforestation brings back the green land again. 

Difference between Afforestation and Reforestation 

However, both afforestation and reforestation lead to the growth of trees. But, afforestation is not the same as deforestation. Afforestation means planting more trees in a region where there were no trees. Afforestation is a method to create a new forest. Afforestation is done to convert barren land into a greener one.

On the other hand, reforestation means planting trees again where trees have already been depleted because of deforestation. Reforestation is a method to restore a forest. Reforestation helps in restoring green land. 


Trees are crucial to environmental health. Without trees, no life would exist. Relating to trees, there are two terms, namely Afforestation and deforestation. Both afforestation, as well as deforestation, have different meanings. Afforestation refers to planting more and more trees to receive the benefit by ourselves or the others.

On the other hand, deforestation means destroying all the trees. Where afforestation is such a healthy procedure for the environment, deforestation is the exact opposite of afforestation. Afforestation must be encouraged, and deforestation should be discouraged. Afforestation is a desirable procedure to create a healthy environment. Deforestation is an undesirable process. Afforestation can do wonders and convert barren land into a greener one.

In contrast, deforestation can convert green land into a barren one. However, there’s one more term named reforestation. Reforestation is similar to afforestation, but both terms are different. Reforestation refers to growing those trees that have been destroyed due to deforestation. Reforestation helps in restoring a forest.


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