
Find out all about gamophobia, its causes, symptoms, and other related information.

Gamophobia is much more than being wary about making a significant commitment.

When confronted with reality, or even just the idea of being in an engaged relationship, people with this situation experience intense fear. You may have gamophobia if imagining commitment makes you sweat, makes your heart race, or makes you dizzy. It can also deprive you of otherwise satisfying relationships. 


The dread of commitment is known as gamophobia, but it can also refer to an excessive, persistent, uncontrollable, and irrational fear of marriage. It’s a combination of the Greek words Gamos, which means marriage, and Phobos, which means fear. Many specialists believe, however, that the dread of marriage & the fear of commitment is not the same thing. Even if a person is afraid of getting married, he or she may stay committed to only one partner for the rest of their life.

Causes of commitment phobia(gamophobia)

Causes of commitment phobia(gamophobia) include:-

Parental strife: Children who watch their parents’ tumultuous divorce or partnership may grow up afraid of forging a commitment that would result in the same difficulties.

Past heartbreaks: Adults who have experienced heartbreak due to a breakup, divorce, or infidelity may be hesitant to get engaged with someone new. Their choice becomes a source of worry over time.

Afraid of losing out: Some people are concerned that they may commit to the wrong people and hence be unavailable when the proper spouse comes along.

Gamophobia Symptoms

When thinking about or discussing marriage/commitment, a person with commitment phobia exhibits a variety of psychological and emotional symptoms: 

Among the psychological signs and symptoms are:

  • The notion of marriage fills you with dread or panic.
  • The individual goes to tremendous measures to avoid discussing the subject. He or she may suffer from overwhelming anxiety, making it difficult for them to perform normally.
  • Although the individual recognizes that such anxiety is unreasonable, he or she is helpless to stop it.
  • You’ll likely have awful ideas, movie stills, or negative imagery.
  • Gamophobes also experience feelings of loss of control or going insane.

The following are physical signs of commitment anxiety:

  • Nausea
  • A heart rate that is quite fast
  • Crying
  • Trembling
  • Chest discomfort, dizziness, Shortness of breath, sweating, and fainting are all symptoms of a heart attack.

What to do in this situation 

  • You’ve made the first step by acknowledging your fear and realising that you can change. 
  • If you’re in a partnership, be completely honest with your partner so you don’t lead them on.
  • Tell them that it’s about you or your past and that you’re working on dealing with it.
  • Investigate the source of your apprehension. Is your current enjoyment being sabotaged by past events?
  • Consider what you need most from a partner. After all, you might discover that long-term commitment isn’t your cup of tea. Alternatively, you may learn that, despite your fears, that is exactly what you desire.

That awareness could be all that is needed to begin conquering your fear. 

Gamophobia and its treatment 

If you’re experiencing symptoms of gamophobia, it’s vital to know that there are therapies available. Gamophobia can be addressed with therapy overseen by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or even another mental health specialist, just like other phobia and anxiety illnesses. 

The following are among the most often utilised gamophobia therapies.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 

Cognitive-behavioural therapy is a kind of therapy in which an individual suffering from gamophobia trains to replace negative beliefs with more positive ones. It also offers new coping techniques that will assist people in developing healthy, supportive relationships while reducing their fear of commitment.

Exposure Therapy 

Exposure therapy is a method that gradually exposes patients to the source of their fear, allowing them to grow more confident with relationships and commitment.

This slow, cumulative exposure to the fearful circumstance is also accompanied by relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga.


Medications may be provided to help alleviate some of the signs of anxiety in some circumstances. Other mental problems, including such as co-occurring anxiety or depression, may also benefit from medication. In the majority of situations, these drugs will be administered in conjunction with psychotherapy. 

What are the risks associated with gamophobia?

Pushing people you care about away or walking away from marriage can have a severe impact on your physical & mental health. You might have the following symptoms:

  • Suicidal ideation and depression
  • Erectile dysfunction is a condition that affects men.
  • Anxiety and panic disorders are two types of anxiety disorders.
  • Substance abuse is a serious problem. 


The dread of someone being in a relationship is known as gamophobia. It could be caused by a combination of genetic factors, family history, and previous experiences.

Commitment phobia is a touchy subject. It can be caused by a variety of circumstances, which can differ from individual to individual. If left untreated, these phobias can spiral out of control. Simply put, this can create a lot of pain and suffering for everyone concerned. However, there is hope, and in the vast majority of such circumstances, “happily ever after” is attainable.


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What kind of fear is Gamophobia?

Ans. Gamophobia is a fear of commitment that can relate to an excessive, persistent, uncontrollable...Read full

Write out some psychological symptoms of Gamophobia.

Ans. Among the psychological signs and symptoms are: ...Read full

Mention causes of the phobia associated with commitment.

Ans. Causes of commitment phobia(gamophobia) include:- Parental conflict: Children who witness their parents’ t...Read full

Mention about the treatments related to Gamophobia.

Ans. Exposure Therapy Exposure therapy is a technique ...Read full