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Propane Formula

Propane formula: explore more about the propane formula with solved examples.

Propane is a gas found mixed in natural gas and petroleum deposits. Propane is one member of the family of HGL (Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids).

What Is Propane?

Propane is an organic compound that comprises carbon and hydrogen atoms. It is an odorless and colorless gas. Propane is used as biofuel in taxis and buses. It is used as liquified petroleum gas. This is also used in hot air balloons and blowtorches. 

The boiling point of propane is -42° C and the melting point of propane is -187.7° C. Propane can be prepared by two processes: petroleum refining and natural gas processing. In the presence of Oxygen or on complete combustion, propane produces carbon dioxide and water. On incomplete combustion, propane gives out carbon monoxide (CO).

Chemical Formula of Propane

Propane is extracting natural gas from the reservoir. A Propane molecule is a saturated hydrocarbon. It is the third member of the saturated hydrocarbon. In saturated hydrocarbons, a single bond is present between carbon and carbon. The general formula for saturated hydrocarbon is CnH2n+2 where C is the carbon, H is the hydrogen and n is an integer. It is composed of 2 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogen atoms. Thus, the chemical formula of propane is C3H8.

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Structural Formula of Propane

The molecular mass of propane is 44.097 grams per mole. Propane consists of three carbon atoms (one at each end and one at the intersection point) and eight hydrogen atoms and all the carbon atoms are attached to each other by a single bond. Propane’s name is made up of an amalgamation of two words i.e “Prop” which shows the number of carbons that are present in the molecule is 3 and ‘ane’ which tells that it is a saturated hydrocarbon. The structural formula of propane can be written as CH3CH2CH3.

Empirical Formula of Propane

Propane is composed of 3 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogen atoms. The chemical symbol of carbon is represented by C and hydrogen by H. Hence, the molecular formula of acetylene is C3H8. The ratio of all the elements present in this compound is C: H —> 3: 8. Converting the actual ratio of the atoms involved in the molecule into the simplest whole number will lead to its empirical formula. In the case of propane, the ratio can not be simplified further. Therefore, the empirical formula of acetylene is C3H8.

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Get answers to the most common queries related to the Propane Formula.

Is propane saturated or unsaturated?

Ans. Propane is saturated hydrogen as the carbon is bonded to other carbon through a single covalent bond. All the c...Read full

What are the uses of propane?

Ans. Used as LPG (Liquified Petroleum Ga...Read full