CBSE Class 12 » CBSE Class 12 notifications

CBSE Class 12 notifications

Find out all the important dates and announcements regarding CBSE Class 12 examination. Get the essential facts here!


Get all the important information related to the CBSE Class 12 Examination including the process of application, important calendar dates, eligibility criteria, exam centers etc.

CBSE Class 12 Notifications

Every year the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) publishes or announces notifications regarding the examination schedule, pattern and changes, if any, for the class 12 academic session and examination. It is imperative for students who will be appearing for the Senior Secondary Education Board exam to stay updated with the latest notification and information.

The detailed notification for the academic year 2021-2022 was announced by CBSE on 05 July 2021.

More recently, the CBSE announced the dates for conducting the Term II Examination as well as the Practical Examination/ Project/ Internal Assessment.

Date of Notification announcement5th July 2021
Term I Examination01 -22 December 2021
Term II Examination26 April 2022 onwards

Practical Examination/ Projects/ Internal Assessment updates

Subjects Scheduled Dates 
Conducting dates

02 March 2022 (Wednesday)

Note: The deadline would be 10 days before the last examination of the respective class.

Date for uploading marks

02 March 2022 (Wednesday)

The scores will be uploaded simultaneously; no extension of dates will be allowed by the CBSE.

Note: Both the internal and external examiners need to be present at the time of uploading the marks of the practical/ internal assessment. This is to ensure that correct marks are uploaded because no further correction will be allowed.

Term II Examination Updates 

In view of the Covid-19 situation in the country, it has been decided that the Term II Examination will be conducted in offline mode. The commencement date is mentioned below.

Subjects Scheduled Dates 
Term II commences from26 April 2022 onwards

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