SSC Exam » SSC Study Materials » Physical Geography » Various Planets and Satellites in Solar System-Neptune

Various Planets and Satellites in Solar System-Neptune

Eight planets are rounding the Sun within an orbit in the solar system, centralising the Sun. Neptune is the eighth planet known as the third massive planet in the solar system. The planet has been given a third space for its huge mass. The planet is the third largest planet in the solar system for its wide diameter. The radius of the planet is 24,622 kilometres. The distance between the planet and the Sun is 4.495 billion kilometres. Neptune takes 165 years to circumnavigate the Sun for once as the distance is 2nd highest than other planets.  


The planet was discovered on 26th September of 1846. The planet is the fourth-largest planet among all planets rounding the Sun. The surface area of the planet is 7.618 billion km2. The planet is the second of ice giant planets for its low temperature due to its long distance from the Sun. The physical characteristics of this planet are mostly similar to Uranus; due to this reason, Neptune is known as the twin planet of Uranus. According to the statement of NASA, the mass of the planet is 1.0243×1026 kg, which is 58 times greater than the earth’s mass. The planet’s atmospheric density is greater than Uranus due to greater mass gravitation compression is higher in this planet than Uranus and due to huge gravitational force, the planet size moreover the surface area is smaller than Uranus. The methane in the outer part of Neptune’s atmosphere creates a bluish appearance, making the planet look like a blue ball from the earth. 

The planet has many secondary planets rounding the planet in a particular orbit. Neptune’s most observed secondary planets are Triton, Proteus, Hippocampo, Thalassa, etc. Among those satellites or secondary planets, Triton is the largest satellite of the planet Neptune. The planet’s atmosphere is made up of mainly helium and hydrogen glasses. The atmosphere is very cold for the generation of the hood. Generally, the planet’s atmospheric composition is also composed of ice, water, ammonia, trees,a smaller number of hydrocarbons, and probably nitrogen is present in the composition of the planet. Observation of the planet from the earth by telescope shows that the planet is made up of ice and rocks. Due to the long distance of the Sun, the atmosphere of the planet has no solid surface, and it is mainly made up of liquids and gases. 


Galileo Galilei was the first astronomer who observed Neptune first. He had seen the planet as a space object or a solar object. But in 1846, Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, a French astronomer, calculated the planet’s location approximately by the disturbance in motion of the planet Uranus due to the disturbance of gravitational force after almost 200 years of identification of the planet. The planet’s name was given from the name of the Roman God of the sea. 

Due to the greater distance from the earth, the paneer is not seen. The earth looked like a blue ball from the earth due to the colour appearance of the atmosphere’s composition. The astronomers believed that there are high chances of diamond rain occurring due to low temperature and high pressure on the planet. The hydrocarbons present in the atmosphere are compressed and turned into diamonds. The planet’s temperature is nearly -3730 Fahrenheit which is impossible for the generation of any living being. 


The planet Neptune is located in the 8th position of solar orbit. It is the fourth-largest planet in the solar system by diameter. The planet’s mass gives the third position to the planet among the solar family planets. The planet is the second ice giant due to its low temperature and high atmospheric content of ice and gases. Galileo Galilei first observed the planet. The Roman God of the Sea gave the planet’s name due to the blue appearance of the earth. The planet is known as a pair of planets of Uranus due to similar physical characteristics. 


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the SSC Examination Preparation.

How far away is Neptune situated from the Sun?

Ans. Neptune is situated 4.495 billion kilometres away from the Sun. 

How much is the mass of Neptune?

Ans: The mass of Neptune is 1.0243×1026 kg which is 58 times greater than the earth’s mass.

Why is Neptune called the Ice giant?

Ans: due to the greater distance from the Sun, the planet’s temperature is very low. The atmosphere of the pla...Read full

What is the composition of the atmosphere of Neptune?

Ans: The main composition of Neptune is the gaseous substances, mainly helium and nitrogen gases. Other compositions...Read full

Who observed the first Neptune in space?

Ans: the planet Neptune was first observed by Galileo Galilei, but he described the planet as a space object. He did...Read full

In which year Neptune was discovered and by whom?

Ans: in 1846, Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, a French astronomer, calculated the planet’s location approximately by the disturbance in motion...Read full

How much is the radius of the planet Neptune?

Ans: the radius of the planet Neptune is 24,622 kilometres.