Question & Answer » Mathematics Questions » What is the Value of 5 Million Dollars in Indian Rupees given that one Dollar is Equal to $ 75 $ Indian Rupees?

What is the Value of 5 Million Dollars in Indian Rupees given that one Dollar is Equal to $ 75 $ Indian Rupees?

Answer – For conversion of two different currencies, as in this case, from dollar to rupees, one needs to know about the value of both the currencies concerning one another. As mentioned in the question itself, 

  • 1 dollar = 75 Indian National Rupees

Thus, it can be understood that for converting any value from dollars to Indian National Rupees, one can try multiplying that value with 75 as per the given information. 

Now, as mentioned in the question for conversion of five million dollars into rupees, we can represent this as: –

  • 1 million is equal to 10,00,000 
  • 5 million is equal to 50,00,000 
  • Thus, 5 million dollars can be represented as 50 lakhs

For converting them into rupees, with the value of Rupees being 1 dollar = 75 Rs, we can multiply 50,00,000 with 75, that is: – 50,00,000*75 = 37,50,00,000

Thus, the value of 5 million dollars into rupees with the value of rupees being 1 dollar = 75 Rs, the final answer can be found as 37,50,00,000.

This can also be written as 375 million Indian rupees. 

In a similar manner, other such conversions can also be done. Thus, all that is required in such questions is the value of the currencies and the knowledge regarding how they can be equated with one another. 

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