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Find the Common Factors of 20 and 28

Find the common factors of 20 and 28. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customized for students.

A common factor  is a number, that is a factor of two numbers. The (HCF) highest common factor means the biggest factor of two or more digits. The (LCM) lowest common multiple is the lowest multiple shared by two or more numbers. In mathematics, common factors are factors that are shared by two or more numbers. 

The HCF as well as LCM: when subtracting and adding fractions, can be discovered by mentioning factors as well as multiples for greater values, being able to express numbers as just a product of prime factors stands a much more effective way. A Venn diagram could also be used. Recognizing how to draw factor trees, find factors, and write figures as a multiplication of its prime factors is helpful to look for common factors, such as the HCF and LCM.

For example, 2, 10 and 5 become common factors of 20 and 30. All whole numbers have 1 as a common factor.

To identify common factors:

  • Make a list of the factors of every number.
  • Compare the factors to locate numbers in each list that are same (or similar).

The Common Factors of 28 and 20 are 1,2,4.

The factors of 20 are 20,10,5,4,2,1, and the factors of 28 are 28, 14,7,4,2,1.

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