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Electric Current and Drift Velocity

The current is directly proportional to the drift velocity. The average velocity of a particle is its drift velocity. The velocity of drift is proportional to the current.

The average velocity particles attained in a given material are caused by the applied electric field. When an electric field is present, electrons begin to move from the negative end to the positive end. The velocity with which the electrons travel is referred to as drift velocity. An electric field adds a little net stream to this arbitrary movement; this is the drift velocity. The velocity of drift is proportional to the current. It is likewise relative to the extent of an outer electric field in resistive material. The simple formula is vd = μE.

Drift Velocity of the Electron

Free electrons move at a net speed of the electrons, known as drift velocity, when a conductor is connected to a battery. As a result, when we turn on the light, it is not the actual displacement of an electron from the end of the switch to the bulb that causes it to glow. When all electrons begin to drift in the same direction, the current is said to have formed. Current travels at the speed of light. As a result, despite the low value of drift velocity, the bulb glows instantly when the switch is turned on.

How Fast do Electrons Travel in a Straight Line?

Above absolute zero temperature, some free electrons move with random velocity in materials containing lead, such as metal. When a potential is applied to a guide, electrons gravitate toward the positive potential. When they collide with atoms, some of their kinetic energy is lost. Because of the electric field, electrons will continue to accelerate and collide with atoms at random.

What is the Connection between Current and Drift Velocity?

An electric current flows through a conductor, I = nAqVd 

Where A is the guide’s cross-sectional region, n is the number of conduction electrons per unit volume, q is the charge of an electron, and Vd is the drift velocity.

The Formula of Drift Velocity

The normal speed acquired by free electrons in a guide is given by,

V = I/Q

Where v signifies electron float speed.

I is the constant moving through the guide.

Drift Velocity’s Expression

When the mobility of the charge carriers and the strength of the applied electric field E are known, Ohm’s law can be expressed in terms of drift velocity as

Electron mobility is measured in S.I. units of m2/V-s.

Electric field E is measured in S.I. units of V/m.

As a result, v’s S.I. unit is m/s. 

Relation between Drift Velocity and Electric Current

The relationship between Drift Velocity and Electric Current Mobility is generally certain and is based on the charge transporter concept; an electron’s float speed is typically in the 10-3 m/s range. Therefore, electrons going through a 1-meter guide will require roughly 17 minutes at this speed. Notwithstanding, we can turn on electronic apparatuses in our homes at lightning speeds with the flick of a switch because an electric flow is laid out at the speed of light instead of the float speed.

Whenever an electric field is laid out, the flow starts to stream inside the conduit at the speed of light instead of the speed of the electrons at which they are floating, bringing about an unimportant little deferral between info and a result turning on an electric bulb.

The numerical connection between charge conveying versatility and float speed in a guide is given by

μ = |Vd|/E = Magnitude of the drift velocity/electric field

Net Electron Velocity

Every material that can direct, such as metals above zero degrees Celsius, has a few free electrons moving indiscriminately. When a potential is applied around a guide, electrons tend to move toward the positive more frequently. As they do so, they collide with molecules and either return or lose a portion of their motor energy. Nonetheless, the electrons will accelerate in the future due to the electric field, and these irregular crashes will continue.

Drift Velocity Calculator

To work out drift velocity, utilise the accompanying recipe:

I = nAvQ


I= the constant flow of information through the guide.

n is the number of electrons.

A= conductor’s non-uniform area, and v signifies the electrons’ drift speed.

Q is the charge of an electron


The progression of free charges, for example, electrons and particles, is called current. The drift velocity vd indicates the normal speed of the electrons at which these charges move. Currently, I correspond to float speed vd, as shown by the situation I=nqAvd. I am constantly moving through a wire with cross-sectional region A for this situation. Because current is proportional to voltage, electron drift velocity is also proportional to voltage. It also obeys Ohm’s law, with V = I/R. As a result, doubling the voltage doubles the current and thus the drift velocity.

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