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Factors Affecting Ionization Energy

The amount of energy required by an isolated gaseous atom to lose an electron from its ground state is defined as the ionisation energy of an element.

To put it another way, the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom or an ion, or the proclivity of an atom or ion to surrender an electron, can be described as ionisation energy in simple terms. The loss of an electron occurs most frequently in the ground state of the chemical species in question.

If we want to be more specific, we can say that the measure of strength (attractive forces) by which an electron is held in a particular location is ionisation energy.

Ionisation energy: In brief

If we think about it in more technical terms, ionisation energy can be defined as the minimum amount of energy that an electron in an inert gaseous atom or ion must absorb in order to escape the influence of the nucleus. It is also referred to as the ionisation potential, and it is typically an endothermic reaction.

What we can deduce further is that the ionisation energy of a chemical compound provides us with an indication of its reactivity. It can also be used to determine the strength of chemical bonding, according to the manufacturer. It is measured in either electron volts or kilojoules per mol of substance.

If molecules are ionised, which frequently results in changes in molecular geometry, the ionisation energy can be either adiabatic or vertical, depending on the nature of the ionisation.

Several factors that influence the ionisation enthalpy of the elements

The enthalpy of ionisation is determined by the following factors:

  • Nuclear charge: As the nuclear charge increases, the ionisation enthalpy increases proportionally. This is owing to the fact that, as nuclear charge increases, the electrons in the outer shell become more tightly bound to the nucleus, requiring more energy to extricate an electron from the atom than previously existed. 

For example, as we walk along a period from left to right, the ionisation enthalpy increases as a result of the increased nuclear charge.

  • Atomic size or radius: As the atomic size or radius grows, the ionisation enthalpy falls. The attractive force on the outer electron reduces as the distance between the outer electrons and the nucleus grows with the growth in atomic radius.

It is as a result of this that the outside electrons are held less tightly, and so a smaller amount of energy is required to knock them out. As a result, the ionisation enthalpy reduces as the size of the atoms increases. It has been discovered that the ionisation enthalpy decreases as one moves down a group.

  • The electrons’ penetrating impact is discussed in detail. The ionisation enthalpy increases in proportion to the increase in the penetration impact of the electrons. This well-known fact is that, in the case of multielectron atoms, the electrons of the s- orbital have the highest probability of being found near the nucleus, and this probability decreases as the p.dd and f- orbitals of the same shell are added to the mix.

In other words, s- electrons from any shell penetrate the nucleus more readily than p- electrons from the same shell. As a result, the penetration effect diminishes in the order s> p>d>f within the same shell, for example, The enthalpy of first ionisation for aluminium is lower than that for magnesium. The reason for this is that in the case of aluminium (1s2,2s2,2p2,3s2,3p2x), we must remove a p-electron from the same energy shell in order to make Al+ ion, whereas in the case of magnesium (1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2), we must remove an s-electron from the same energy shell in order to produce Mg+ ion.

  •  The shielding or screening action of electrons in the inner shell. Ionisation enthalpy reduces as the shielding effect of the inner electrons, also known as the screening effect, grows stronger. As a result, the nucleus’s force of attraction for the electrons in the valence shell reduces, and as a result, the ionisation enthalpy lowers.
  • The influence of the electrons’ arrangement. If an atom’s orbitals are exactly half filled or completely filled, the arrangement is more stable than expected; as a result, removing an electron from such an atom requires more energy than would be expected.

Example: Be (1s2,2s2) has a greater ionisation enthalpy than B (1s2,2s22p1), and N(1s2,2s2,2p6x,2p1y2p1z) has higher ionisation enthalpy than O. For example, O has a higher ionisation enthalpy than Be (1s2,2s2) (1s2,2s22p2x,2p1y,2p1z) Overall, when we move from left to right in a period, the ionisation enthalpy increases with rising atomic numbers, which is consistent with the trend of the period.

As we proceed along a group of elements from one element to the next, the ionisation enthalpies continue to decrease on a regular basis.

The Evolution of Ionization Energy in the Periodic Table

The following are some general periodic trends:

Trends in the ionisation enthalpy of a group of molecules:

As we travel down in a set of elements, the initial ionisation enthalpy of the elements drops. Moving down a group, the atomic number increases and the number of shells grows in tandem with the increase in the atomic number. Because the outermost electrons are located far away from the nucleus, they can be easily removed. The second component that contributes to a reduction in ionisation energy is the shielding effect caused by an increasing number of shells as we proceed down the group hierarchy.

Evolution of ionisation enthalpy over time

The ionisation energy of elements increases as we move from left to right across a time period. As a result of the decrease in the size of atoms over time, this is the case. As we proceed from left to right, the valence electrons of an atom get closer to the nucleus as a result of the higher nuclear charge on the nucleus. In order to remove one electron from the valence shell, more energy must be used in order to enhance the force of attraction between the nucleus and electrons.


In the case of ionisation energy, the objective is to investigate the quantity of an atom’s or ion’s tendency to give up an electron, as well as the efficacy of the electron binding. If the ionisation energy is at its highest and most optimal level, it will be extremely difficult to remove an electron from the system. We might think of the ionisation energy as a pointer to the reactivity of an atom or an ion in terms of chemical reactions. It is possible for an element to have low ionisation energy; in which case it will act as a reducing agent and react with anions rather than with cations in order to produce the salt.

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Hence, the effective atomic number of this compound is 36, which is equal to the atomic number of krypton(36).


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