
Are you keen to refer to the class 11 Chemistry syllabus? Click now to learn more!

There is a need for learners to have a strong fundamental concept in Chemistry so that they are prepared to face the academic and the professional demands. Thus, given below is a module regarding the compiled Chemistry syllabus for the academic year 2022-23 for the reference of the candidate. 

Unit I: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 

  • General Introduction-
    • Nature of Matter
    • Importance and Scope of Chemistry
    • Laws of Chemical Combination
  • Dalton’s atomic theory
    • Atoms and Molecules
    • Concept of Elements
    • Calculations Based on Stoichiometry
    • Mole Concept and Molar Mass
    • Atomic and Molecular Masses
    • Empirical and Molecular Formula
    • Percentage Composition
    • Stoichiometry 
    • Chemical Reactions

Unit II: Structure of Atom 

  • Proton and Neutron
  • Discovery of Electron
  • Isotopes and Isobars
  • Atomic Number
  • Rutherford’s Model and its Limitations
  • Thomson’s Model and its Limitations
  • Concept of Shells and Subshells
  • Bohr’s Model and its Limitations
  • De Broglie’s relationship
  • Dual Nature of Matter and Light
  • Concept of Orbitals
  • Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
  • Shapes of s, p and d Orbitals
  • Quantum Numbers
  • Aufbau Principle
  • Rules for Filling Electrons in Orbitals 
  • Electronic Configuration of Atoms
  • Pauli’s Exclusion Principle And Hund’s Rule
  • Completely Filled Orbitals
  • Stability of Half-Filled 

Unit III: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

  • Brief History Of The Development Of Periodic Table
  • Significance Of Classification
  • The Present Form Of Periodic Table
  • Modern Periodic Law 
  • Nomenclature Of Elements With Atomic Number Greater Than 100
  • Periodic Trends In Properties Of Elements –
    • Atomic Radii
    • Valency
    • Inert Gas
    • Ionic Radii
    • Radii
    • Electron Gain Enthalpy
    • Ionization Enthalpy
    • Electronegativity

Unit IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 

  • Ionic Bond
  • Valence Electrons
  • Bond Parameters
  • Covalent Bond
  • Polar Character of Covalent Bond
  • Lewis’s Structure
  • Valence Bond Theory
  • Covalent Character of Ionic Bond
  • The geometry of Covalent Molecules
  • Resonance
  • Concept of Hybridization
  • VSEPR Theory
  • Shapes of some Simple Molecules
  • Involving s, p and Orbitals 
  • Hydrogen Bond
  • Molecular Orbital Theory of Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules (Qualitative Idea Only)

Unit VI: Chemical Thermodynamics 

    • Concepts of Systems and types of systems
    • Surroundings
    • Heat
    • Work
    • Extensive And Intensive Properties
    • Energy
    • State Functions
    • The first law of thermodynamics –
  • Heat capacity and specific heat
    • Internal energy and enthalpy
    • Hess’s law of constant heat summation
    • Measurement of ΔU and ΔH
    • Combustion
    • Enthalpy Of Bond Dissociation
    • Atomization
    • Formation
    • Phase Transition 
    • Sublimation
    • Solution 
    • Ionization
    • Dilution
    • The second law of Thermodynamics (brief introduction)
  • Gibb’s Energy Change For Spontaneous 
  • Introduction Of Entropy As A State Function
  • Criteria For Equilibrium
  • Non-Spontaneous Processes
  • Third law of thermodynamics (brief introduction)

Unit VII: Equilibrium 

  • Dynamic Nature Of Equilibrium
  • Equilibrium In Physical And Chemical Processes
  • Equilibrium Constant
  • Law Of Mass Action
  • Factors Affecting Equilibrium – 
    • Le Chatelier’s principle
  • Ionic Equilibrium- 
    • Strong and Weak Electrolytes
    • Ionization of Acids And Bases
    • Ionization of Polybasic Acids
    • Degree of Ionization
    • Concept of pH
    • Acid Strength
    • Buffer Solution
    • Hydrolysis of Salts (Elementary Idea)
    • Solubility Product
    • Henderson Equation
    • Common Ion Effect (With Illustrative Examples)

Unit VIII: Redox Reactions 

  • Redox Reactions
  • Concept of Oxidation and Reduction
  • Balancing Redox Reactions
  • Oxidation Number
  • Applications of Redox Reactions
  • In Terms of Loss and Gain of Electrons and Change in Oxidation Number

Unit XII: Organic Chemistry -Some Basic Principles and Techniques 

    • Methods of Purification
    • General Introduction
    • Classification and Iupac Nomenclature of Organic Compounds. 
    • Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
    • Electronic Displacements in a Covalent Bond-
  • Electromeric effect
    • Inductive effect
    • Hyperconjugation
    • Resonance 
  • Homolytic and Heterolytic Fission of a Covalent Bond
    • Carbocations
    • Carbanions
    • Free Radicals
    • Nucleophiles
    • Electrophiles
    • Types of Organic Reactions

Unit XIII: Hydrocarbons 

  • Classification of Hydrocarbons 
    • Aliphatic Hydrocarbons-
      • Alkanes – Nomenclature, conformation (ethane only), isomerism, physical properties, chemical reactions including free radical mechanism of halogenation, combustion and pyrolysis 
      • Alkenes – Nomenclature, geometrical isomerism, physical properties, methods of preparation,  the structure of double bond (ethene) 
      • Chemical reactions: addition of hydrogen, water, halogen, hydrogen halides (Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect), oxidation, ozonolysis, mechanism of electrophilic addition
      • Alkynes – Nomenclature, the structure of triple bond (ethyne), methods of preparation, physical properties
      • Chemical reactions: acidic character of alkynes, addition reaction of – hydrogen, hydrogen halides, halogens, and water
    • Aromatic Hydrocarbons
      • Introduction
      • IUPAC nomenclature
      • Benzene-
        • Resonance
        • Aromaticity
      • Chemical Properties-
        • Mechanism Of Electrophilic Substitution.
        • Nitration
        • Sulphonation
        • Halogenation
      • Friedel Craft’s Alkylation
      • Acylation
      • Directive Influence of The Functional Group in Monosubstituted Benzene. 
      • Carcinogenicity and Toxicity