CAT (Common Admission Test) is the nationwide test for graduate management program admissions. Multiple IIMs run this test in a rotating fashion to choose candidates for admission into different management courses. The best business schools and management institutes, including IIMs, IITs, NITs, and many more, consider the CAT scorecard. Candidates will get complete information regarding the CAT Answer Sheet 2022 through this page.
CAT Answer Key Dates 2022
CAT Answer keys will be published online. All correct answers to the questions in the CAT entrance exam are included in the answer keys, and students can evaluate their performance with the answer key.
On 27th November 2022, the IIMs will conduct the CAT test. In December 2022, we will release the CAT Solution Key 2022 while the papers are available. The deadline for submitting an objection is December 2022. In December 2022, the candidate responses will be made public. The second week of January will see the release of the CAT 2022 results. The solution key will be accessible via an online guide.
How to download CAT answer key 2022?
Candidates for the CAT 2022 can use their CAT Login Name and password to access their CAT answer sheet to evaluate their performance and estimate final results. The steps listed below can be followed for the CAT exam result 2022.
1. Visit the official website’s link to the answer key.
2. A signup window will pop up on the screen.
3. Enter the necessary information, including “User ID” and “Password.”
4. Click the “Login” button
5. The screen will show the solution key.
6. Compare your responses after downloading the answer key.
7. It is suggested that students print out additional copies of the answer sheet and store them safely for future use.
Previous years' official CAT answer keys (Provisional)
IIMs administer the CAT exam each year to applicants seeking admission to the 20 IIMs’ MBA and PGDM programs and esteemed management schools around the nation. With thousands of registrations for the exam each year, the CAT is unquestionably a very competitive exam. The applicants are eager to evaluate their performance and determine their plan of action after the exam.
The CAT papers from earlier years are also of utmost use to aspiring students. After taking these practice papers and mock exams, they can better understand the exam format, question pattern, and degree of difficulty. In addition, the solution key with answers will enable the students to pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses and develop a suitable exam strategy.
You must evaluate your performance as you practice answering CAT questions from previous years to identify your strengths and shortcomings. Therefore, look at the answer sheet for actual CAT exams from the last several years. Additionally, keep in mind the objective justification provided with the solution keys. You can get a detailed understanding of the test format, level of difficulty, and question patterns from the previous year’s question papers. After thoroughly reviewing the test papers, you can create a suitable exam plan.
Previous year's final answer key
IIM Lucknow published the first CAT test solution key and exam paper in 2017. IIM Indore will release the answer sheet during the initial week of December and follow a similar trend.
The institute allows test-takers to express their queries and complaints regarding the CAT examination questions and answers by making the CAT test answer key available. The CAT 2021 answer key additionally assists applicants in estimating their anticipated CAT test scores and planning their next steps.
The release of the answer key increases the validity of the CAT exam. The CAT 2021 conducting authority will examine the challenges, and if they are valid, they will reimburse the candidates’ fees. The conducting authority’s decision in this matter will be final. Updates will be posted as part of the CAT 2021 official answer key.
Few things to know about CAT
On 28th November 2021, the authority will hold the CAT test. On 8th December 2021, the CAT Answer Sheet and Question Papers were made available. The deadline for submitting an objection is 11th December 2021. In January 2022, CAT 2022 results will be released. The solution key is accessible online for download.
Candidates can also compute the CAT scores using the CAT answer sheet published on their official site. By comparing the answers the candidate wrote with the official answers, he can get an overall idea of how his score will be for the exam. Every correct answer will give the candidate 3 points.