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Solving Syllogism

This article is going to focus on the details regarding the syllogisms and questions regarding the syllogisms, along with its examples. The article will further mention important details about the syllogism reasoning questions and how many types of question patterns there are regarding syllogism reasoning.

When individuals are questioned about a series of circumstances in syllogisms, they should always determine if the conclusions provided after the said specifications seem to be true or false. The easiest method to answer these sorts of questions is to explore all possible alternatives and create Diagrams. 

Brief on solving Syllogisms:

As previously stated, syllogism questions consist of many arguments as well as propositions, followed by a set of solutions that act as a hint which one must pick after deducting correct inference. These assertions are frequently unrealistic as well as irrational, but they seem to be analysed and presumed to find conclusions.

Individuals may use a variety of approaches while solving syllogism problems, Venn diagrams seem to be one of the most popular ways of solving syllogisms. Individuals can identify the correct interpretation as well as conclusion while solving a given case, this can be done easily by using Venn diagrams, and if afterwards there seems to be one common conclusion that emerges from all of the Venn diagrams, seems to be the one that is the answer. One  may also utilise these procedures below to solve syllogism questions quickly:

When solving syllogisms, one must make a note of all the variables in each sentence. All types of living as well as non-living things can be considered as examples of variables, such as tables, chairs, dogs etc.

The individual then needs to assign one variable to one Venn diagram, as well as link these diagrams to one another in a manner that seems similar to the given question.

While reviewing the sentences again and linking these diagrams,  the individual may reach a correct conclusion. Then one needs to choose the option which matches the best to the conclusion drawn from the analysis.

Different types of Syllogism questions and examples:

There are different types of questions asked during examinations when syllogism type questions are asked. Various types of question patterns are mentioned below:

When all x are y:

There needs to be one circle denoting A located within the area of B in this sort of question. The first section seems to be a subcategory when compared to the second part in these types of questions. Let’s take, for example, when x is a parrot while B is a bird. The following options could be the question’s conclusion, i.e. (i) some parrots are birds (ii) some birds are parrots.

When none of the y is x:

The first component seems to be irrelevant when assessed along with another variable. The two Venn diagrams do not seem to cross. The following options could be the conclusions, i.e. (i) Parrots are not birds.

When some of x is y:

Some of the A are B.

These types of questions seem to be hypothetical in nature. Some components that reside in both circles seem to be comparable in these sorts of problems. Two given circles need to overlap each other in the Venn diagram in these types of questions. There seems to be no guarantee that these given circles are connected. The arguments regarding the conclusion will be such,

(i)Every eagle is a parrot.

(ii)Parrots all talk.

(iii)All eagles are parrots, all parrots are eagles

When some x is not y:

In this section, the first and second portions are identical. The Venn diagram illustration regarding A seems always to include at least some portion of the area that does not intersect the illustration representing B, while the remaining section will just be free of any additional groups.



Condition 1: No mango is grape

Condition 2: No grape is sweet.

Conclusion: All mangoes are apples.

Find out if the following statement seems correct.

Answer: It can be assessed that there can be three potential results based on the provided hypotheses:

When no mango is a grape, then no mango seems to be sweet as well.

It could also be possible that some mangoes overlap grapes.

As there is no assumption contradicting that all mangoes could be sweet, so this assumption could also be true, i.e. all mangoes are sweet.

As the other two cases don’t satisfy any of the conditions, option 3 seems to be the answer.


The arguments seem to be as follows:

No bus is a car

All vehicles are bus

All water is liquid

Some car is water


Some bus are vehicles

Some car is liquid

When assessing the question for possible conclusions, the answer seems to be that as some of the car overlaps the water diagram and satisfies the conclusion properly so, some car is liquid is the answer. 


This article talks in brief about syllogism reasoning and tells us how easy it can be when solving syllogism questions if done in a proper method. The article gives us unique examples regarding syllogism reasoning while also mentioning efficient ways for solving syllogism reasoning.


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What is the meaning of syllogism?

Ans. The syllogism seems to be some type of logical argument where two or more arguments are stated or claimed or ma...Read full