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Solve Linear Seating Arrangements Questions

This article entails linear seating arrangements questions and problems candidates often face while attempting them. It also gives some tricks to solve them with accuracy.

The trend of competitive exams is constantly increasing in the present times. Every government job tests the candidate on various bases, including their ability to analyse a situation correctly and give solutions. This feature highlights the need for analytical reasoning questions to be asked in the examinations. The analytical questions comprise various dynamics, including puzzle-related questions. The puzzle questions usually ask the candidate to identify the person’s position in an arrangement. This arrangement can be a linear seating arrangement or a circular one. It consists of various people sitting in a row, and we have to determine their positions in the row.

Linear seating arrangement questions

  • Linear seating arrangement questions are usually elongated. The data presented in the question often presents irrelevant information in the first part of the question that can consume the candidate in finding solutions.
  • Linear seating arrangement questions are a part of the seating arrangement questions, which are different from puzzle questions. They together are part of the analytical reasoning. 
  • The questions present in the circular arrangement questions are usually tricky and test one’s analytical ability. 
  • In linear seating arrangement questions, the candidate is often asked to organise a group of people based on the conditions mentioned in the question, such as sitting together in a row of the stadium or a class. 
  • An important thing to note is that the linear seating arrangement problems mention the direction the people or objects face, like the North, the South, the east, and the west.
  • The conditions in the seating arrangement questions usually say that this person is sitting to that person’s right or facing another person, etc.
  • After the conditions, some questions can be answered based on the information written in the question. 

Recommendation for solving linear seating arrangement questions

Linear seating arrangement problems require huge scrutiny while solving the questions. It is essential to keep some points in mind while attempting such questions. The following are some recommendations for better solving of linear seating arrangement questions easily and with accuracy:

  • The condition always indicates an absolute position that indicates at least one fixed position around the person. Depending on the stimulus of the question, you should always write down the information that is 100% true. 
  • Don’t confuse the two features mentioned in the circular placement question, as person A can be said to be wearing a blue shirt, eating the orange, and sitting on the right side. Here, many candidates are confused between the colour of the shirt and the fruit. The trick is to assign different symbols, such as squares and circles, to different attributes.  
  • A new pattern is introduced in which the total length of the row is given, and we have to identify the different points where the person is sitting and at what distance. It is advisable to take note of the different distances.
  • If your question has too many undefined conditions, it’s a good idea to create different possibilities that can arise from a particular condition. 
  • Don’t spend too much time on these types of questions. 

Linear seating arrangement problems

It is crucial to attempt the questions that come in the puzzles section. Knowing tricks and tips and being familiar with the type of questions is not sufficient. Some of the major linear seating arrangement questions are listed below:

  1. Five boys are sitting in a row. Aksh is not adjacent to Abhishek or Sumit. Arpit is not adjacent to Abhishek. Aksh is adjacent to Anurag. Anurag is in the middle of the row. Then, Arpit is adjacent to whom out of the following?

Ans: Here, first draw a line and mark five points. Don’t write full names as it would consume time, write the first two or three letters of their name. Then find who is adjacent to whom and assign the locations accordingly. In the end, we get the answer by following these steps and applying the recommendations mentioned above.


To get better grades on the exam, you need to be very focused and accurate in answering the linear seating arrangement questions. They are designed to test your analytical and problem-solving skills. The key to solving these questions is solving the Rubik’s Cube. This trick will improve your thinking skills. Special attention should be paid to the tricks when trying basic round seat questions and other placement questions. Candidates need to prepare these questions with focus and determination as they can raise their overall score to an astonishing level and improve their overall rank.


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