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Simple Way For Solving Circular Seating Arragment Questions

Seating Arrangement is arranging a group of people to sit in a specific order. These questions are based on data that includes a specific set of conditions. If you’re taking a test for a competitive exam and are not sure how to answer the questions that pertain to the circular seating arrangement, do not worry, we’ve got you covered with easy concepts and ways. Positions are specified by conditions such as a specific person sitting to the other person’s right or left. After reading the provided information, create a diagram depicting the question statement and apply seating arrangement tricks accordingly.

Types of seating arrangement

1. Linear arrangement: In the linear arrangement, people are sitting in a row, i.e., you must arrange them in a straight line. It is generally the case that one row of arrangement is created.

2. Double row arrangements: You will have two rows of people in these types of questions. You must arrange two groups in one row and the second group in another row. The rows of people generally face each other, but they may also face away from each other.

3. Circular arrangements: In the circular seating arrangement, you need to arrange your guests on a circular table, follow circle reasoning, etc., meeting certain requirements.

4. Rectangular layout: These arrangements are nearly identical to the circle reasoning; the only distinction is that the people are seated around rectangular shape tables.

Seating arrangement tricks to resolve the problem

Questions about seating arrangements are typically answered in blocks of four-five questions, and some sitting arrangement tricks need to be followed. The information you receive is then asked four to five questions based on the details. 

The questions are based on two kinds of information:

1. direct Information: It is information that is explicitly included in the description of the question. This is the information you’ll need to solve the questions.

2. Indirect information: When you fill in the direct data, you’ll examine the connections between various components in the data. These connections make up indirect information.

For example, arranging the people according to the direction while solving circle reasoning in which the individuals face is vital. Also, when tackling problems related to linear and double rows, the information on the position of the individuals is vital. If it’s written, A is sitting beside B, which implies that A and B are seated together. B could be to either left or right of A. If it is stated that B is situated to the right or left of A, it is not a guarantee that B is direct to the right or left of A. There could be other people in the space between B and A. If B is located immediately left or right of A, it will be noted in the question’s explanation.

Things to remember while solving circular seating arrangement

When trying to solve the circular seating questions, there are some things to help you find the best answers. Finding the answer isn’t difficult. However, it will require intense concentration and focus on understanding exactly what information the question expresses the appropriate seating arrangement tricks. These are the most important things to keep an eye on:

The first thing to be aware of is the two different aspects of circular seating arrangements that are usually part of competition exams:

● Faces inwards toward the centre of the arrangement in a circular fashion

● Faces outwards to the centre, the circular arrangement

If the arrangement given is one is ‘ looking inwards, the left and right of the subjects mentioned are taken in a clockwise direction. All their ‘Rights’ are taken in the opposite direction. If the arrangement is ‘ facing outwards,’ will be taken in an anti-clockwise direction, and their rights will be taken in the clockwise direction.

Always sketch out a rough plan to better understand the information provided within the seating arrangements questions. Make the question visually, and then place each person’s location on your diagram. Check if they’re facing inwards, or outwards, or both.


Circular Reasoning commonly features as a key section in nearly every competitive test, along with Quantitative reasoning and English Aptitude. Although the circular Reasoning section questions may seem simple, they aren’t so easy to figure out. Test-makers set up and twist the questions and the language in an approach that leaves students pondering about the best answer. Questions about circular seating arrangements typically fall under the category of Logical Reasoning and are quite tricky to understand.

This blog provides a detailed explanation of the various aspects of solving questions involving circular seating arrangements and helpful tips to keep in mind.


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