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Simple Guide on Coded Relations

Coded relations questions are easy to decode and scorable when it comes to banking exams. If you become adept at these questions, acing your exams is not a far-away dream.

Most competitive Banking examinations include a subject on blood relations as a component of the reasoning portion. The term “blood connection” refers to the many relationships that exist among family members. You must determine the relationship between certain family members based on the data given. In comparison to several other subjects in the reasoning part, getting marks in this area is easy. As a result, you must be well-versed in the many sorts of family relationships, including coded relations.

Coded relations

The difficulty of reading a provided relation-string, that is coded in a certain way, and then comparing it with the connection indicated in the question is known as a coded relationship. The ties among family members are expressed in this part by particular codes/signs like +. $,*,&,#,@,! and so on. Decoding the hidden relationships in the symbols provides the answers. The sole time-consuming aspect of this exercise is resolving all of the possibilities to come to the ultimate right answer.

How to solve code relations questions

Step I: 

Using the check gender and verify generation gap methods, eliminate any incorrect choices.

Examine gender

If you look at the symbols in certain questions, you can see that the person you’re thinking about is a man. If ‘A + B’ denotes that ‘A’ is the dad of ‘B,’ therefore ‘A + B  x C – D’ denotes that A is indeed the dad and hence must be a man, implying that A should be preceded by ‘+’. As a result, all of the options that include A as a daughter/sister, etc. must be incorrect.

Examine the Generational gap

Finding out the relationship between two people might take a long time at times. However, a basic approximation of the generation gap may be quickly determined. You should estimate a generation difference of +1 between mother/father and son/daughter for this. There is a generation gap = -1 between son/daughter and mother/father. There is no generation difference between brothers and sisters, nor between married couples.

We may simply determine the generation difference between the individuals under consideration and remove poor options using this method.

Step 2: 

Create a family tree for the options left.

Please keep in mind that we are just getting some assistance in fast removing certain incorrect responses by using our previous procedure. But we don’t come up with the right response. 

Two different types of coded relations

Forward coding ‘A + B’ indicates ‘A is the daddy of B,’ while the backward coding ‘A x B’ means ‘B is the daddy of A.’

In the forward coding, the 1st person is the relation that is given concerning the 2nd person. However, in backward coding, it is reverse. 


Question 1 

If A + X indicates that A is the dad of X, A – X indicates that A is the mom of X, A * X indicates that A is the son of X, and A / X indicates that A is the daughter of X, then answer these questions question using the information above.

Q 1: In P+Q-R, how is P connected to R?

A – Grandfather 

B – Grandmother 

C – Father 

D – Mother 


P is R’s granddad.

Question 2

A + B denotes that A is B’s daughter; A – B denotes that A is B’s spouse, and A x B denotes that A is B’s brother.

Which of the following demonstrates A is the daughter of B? If P + Q implies P is Q’s spouse; P + Q means P is Q’s sister; and P x Q means P is Q’s son, which one of the below reveals A is B’s daughter?

A: A ÷ D x B

B: D x B + C + A

C: B + C x A

D: C x B + A

A is the correct answer.

A is B’s daughter, which means she is the sister of B’s son.  A / D x B, for example.

Question 3

Which one of the below sentences is true for P + Q – R?

(A) R is P’s mother-in-law, whereas 

(B) R is P’s aunt 

(C) R is P’s sister-in-law 

(D) and R is P’s mother.

 Ans: D

P + Q – R denotes that P is the daughter of Q, R’s husband, and R is P’s mother.

Question 4

X – Z denotes that X is Z’s mother; X x Z denotes that X is Z’s father; & X + Z denotes that X is Z’s daughter. Now, which one of the below is not true for M – N x T + Q?

(A) Q is N’s wife; (B) M is Q’s mother-in-law; (C) N is Q’s wife; (D) T is N’s daughter.

A is the correct answer.

M – N x T + Q denotes that M is the mother of N, who is the father of T, who is the girl of Q, i.e., M is the grandma of Q’s daughter. Because this isn’t stated in the options, the fact (d) obtained via N x T + Q is correct.


Mostly in competitive banking tests, blood relations play a significant role in the reasoning portion. The varied relationships among family members are depicted through blood relatives. In comparison to several other subjects in the reasoning part, coded relations are simpler to score well on. But we must have a good grasp of the subject and its fundamental concepts before jumping into practice. Read the article thoroughly and comprehend the ‌coded relations and how to solve them. And then practice as many mock tests on this type of blood relations question as you can.


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