Row Arrangements

The Logical Reasoning section contains questions about arranging one's personal belongings in a classroom. These concepts revolve around the row arrangement of things and people.


According to logical principles, people or objects are organised into a row arrangement. One must either perform the arrangement or decipher the predefined arrangement using logical reasoning to answer the questions.

Row arrangement is of two types: 

  • Double row Arrangements

People are asked to sit in two rows for these row arrangement questions with their backs to one another.

  • Complex row arrangements

Regarding arrangement and properties, they are comparable to linear arrangement problems. Compared to the linear arrangement, complex seating arrangement questions have a wide range of properties, such as the location of the objects and the objects themselves.

Tricks to solve row arrangements questions

Row Arrangement reasoning questions can be solved with the help of the following tips and tricks.

  • Because a triangle has three points and three sides, three people can sit in the corners, with one facing the centre and the other facing the opposite direction

  • If Three people separate a and B, then 3 – 1 = 2 people will separate them

Row Arrangement questions require candidates to keep the following points in mind.

  • When A is the second from the right of B: B – A

  • If A is two spaces away from B, it is the formula to use

  • For example, if A is two spaces to the right of or to the left of B, then, In other words, B = A

  • When there are two people in between A and B: A – – B.

The arrangement of data in a row and column format is known as a tabulation of data. 

Tabulation of data refers to the process of arranging data into rows and columns. Numerical data are arranged primarily as a result of this process.Adding two or more tables may also be necessary to present the data clearly and concisely.There are numerous components to a data table, including table number, title, stub, caption, and body.To make large amounts of data more digestible, a table is used to tabulate them. Using the values in a second column, group the values in a column.

How to solve row arrangement questions

Both quantitative and qualitative data can be gleaned from these questions.

  • Direct information

If you’re looking for something specific, look for information mentioned directly in the question itself. You’ll need this information to begin answering the questions.

  • Indirect information

After you’ve filled out the direct information, you’ll need to look for connections among the various pieces of information. The indirect information comes from these connections.

In the process of arranging people, the direction in which the people are facing is extremely critical.

Some of the important questions of row Arrangements are listed below.

  1. Six similar coins are arranged in a row.

 In all possible combinations, the number of heads and number of tails is the same.

  1. 16

  2. 20

  3. 22

  4. 15

Answer: C

Explanation: The number of possible arrangements of the letters HHHTTT (H for heads, T for tails) is the required number of ways. Given the number of heads and tails should be equal.

It means that they can be arranged in six different ways, but we must consider the fact that there are three repetitions of heads and tails.

Therefore, 6! /3! 3! = 6C3 = 6×5×4/ 3! = 20

2. A yoga instructor wants to arrange students in rows.

A teacher’s goal is to arrange his students in rows and columns that are exactly equal. There are a total of 1369 students in the final row.

  1. 37

  2. 56

  3. 36

  4. 35

Answer: A

Explanation : 37 × 37 = 1369

It means that there are 37 rows and 37 columns in total.

Additionally, there will be 37 students in the final row, making it a total of 37 students.

3. Some identical balls are arranged in rows

The equilateral triangle is formed by arranging several identical balls in rows. As you progress through the rows, you’ll see more and more balls. All the balls used to form the equilateral triangle can be arranged in a square whose each side contains exactly two balls less than the number of balls each side of the triangle holds. The number of balls required to form the equilateral triangle is:

  1. 23

  2. 10

  3. 19

  4. 20


When students are asked to arrange objects in either a row or a circle as part of a test, the term “Seating Arrangement” is used to describe the process of arranging people to sit in a predetermined manner.

Objects or people are arranged in a line or row in this type of arrangement. Only one ‘axis’ is used in the arrangement, so the placement of people and objects is critical for maintaining order.

Some important points are

  • Count the items and write down their names
  • To depict people or objects and their locations, use the pictorial method
  • Consider the facts and their positions concerning each other to see if you can come up with a solution