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Is Chinese Coding Reasoning Difficult?

Chinese coding and decoding is an important part of coding-decoding questions asked in the logical reasoning section of banking exams. So, let’s crack the code with an understanding of the fundamentals and examples.

All banking examinations include a portion on logical reasoning, in which coding and decoding problems will appear. It is a very high-scoring topic, provided that you understand concepts and practice a lot. Once applicants have mastered the strategies, they will be able to quickly find answers to Chinese coding and decoding questions. It is merely a sequence of questions based on specific concealed rules, in which students must decode the text and offer the correct answer. This article will provide you with a thorough examination of the topic of Chinese coding and decoding, as well as a variety of practice problems that will help you clear your banking test with flying colours.

What is the difference between coding and decoding?

To put it another way, coding is the process of encoding a word / a sequence of numbers into a certain code/pattern based on certain rules. Decoding seeks to decipher a specific code depending on the discovery of a similar pattern/structure.

Coding & Decoding Types

In competitive examinations, you will encounter several sorts of coding & decoding problems. Some of the most prevalent categories are:

Coding from letter to letter

In this technique of coding and decoding, the alphabetic characters in a word are coded using different operations like adding, subtracting, exchanging, and so on. 

Coding from Letters to Numbers

A word is assigned to a set of numerical code values, / a number is assigned to alphabetical code letters.

Coding using substitutions

In this type of coding-decoding, words are encoded with the relevant keyword.

Chinese coding

In this type, a few sentences having the same words but are positioned in random order would be coded as either words, symbols, or characters. Aspirants must seek common keywords in numerous sentences to find the codes of words.

Coding using LSN

Words from diverse sentences are encoded with characters, symbols, and numbers using various processes. Candidates must figure out why characters, symbols, and numbers are used the way they are.

Conditional Coding 

A few methods will be taught, and candidates should apply all of the provided conditions to obtain the code of the word that is given in the question. 

Clock coding

Numbers of the clock which are between 1 to 12 are encoded, and responses are recorded as per the time of the clock.

Binary coding

Binary values like 0 & 1 are used to code decimals. 

Approach to solving Chinese coding and decoding problems

When tackling any such question in the logical reasoning portion, take the following approach.

  • When tackling any question on this subject, the first step is to identify the underlying pattern/logic in the development of the codes.
  • When answering the question, start by deciphering the relationship of the two phrases: the provided word and its code.
  • Pay close attention to the alphabet. If you’re solely coding with numbers, always try to deduce the numbers from the characters logically.
  • Approach Chinese coding questions in a step-by-step manner. Examine the code and try to figure out the pattern. It’s not required for the pattern to be obvious as immediately as you look at the code. Arrange and reassemble the characters of the code to meet the pattern/logic.


Now that coding-decoding and Chinese coding is understood, let’s look at the most general problems that this topic raises and how it can be solved.

  1. Assume a certain ‘TIGER’ is mentioned as ‘QDFHS.’ Figure out how to write ‘FISH’ in a similar code as mentioned above?
  • GERH
  • GREH
  • GRHE
  • GEHR
  • GHRE


You must invert the word and shift each alphabet minus one to solve this question. The inverse sequence of the word FISH is HSIF; now remove One from each letter of HSIF. FISH has the code GRHE.

  1. ‘HILTON’ is encoded as ‘IHTLNO’ using a special code. For ‘BILLION’ encoded in a similar format, select the appropriate option.


To begin, all alphabets are positioned together in twos such as LL, BI, IO etc. In all of the pairs, the location of the relevant letters is altered, resulting in IB,OI, LL, and N. As a result, the correct answer is IBLLOIN.

  1. The decoded value of ‘FROZEN’ is ‘OFAPSG’. Select the correct option that shows ‘MOLTEN’ displayed in this manner.


To answer this question, simply invert the word given above and add one to each character. NETLOM is the chronologically opposite of MOLTEN. The code for MOLTEN turns OFUMPN if you add one to each character, which is the correct answer. 


Chinese coding and decoding are very simple, unlike other topics in logical reasoning asked in competitive exams. However, students still tend to make mistakes because of a lack of proper understanding and comprehension of the concepts and fundamentals. The approach they take towards solving such questions also leads to incorrect responses which subsequently leads to negative markings in banking exams. The remedy is to get a thorough grasp of the concepts and fine-tune your approach by practising more questions.


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