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Are Family Tree Questions Difficult?

Family Tree Questions are long paragraph-type problems that hold the logical meaning of relationships between two or more individuals linked with each other in a family hierarchical chain

Family Tree questions are a unique category of questions that comes under the umbrella of blood relation verbal reasoning questions. The main intention of the examiner to ask blood relation verbal reasoning questions is that he wants to test the skills and mental ability of students whether they can build relationships between one member of a family with some other member of the same family. They ask tough questions to students and want us to comprehend complex conditions from the questions to derive and come up with a simple relationship between two individuals.

What Are Family Tree Questions?

The word family tree is made up of two very distinct terms that on a superficial level may seem unrelated to each other, but by going through this amazing article you’ll definitely understand the meaning of a family tree. 

A tree used in a family tree is used as a resemblance factor for the relationships that are going to be established. A tree has a root as its base from where a stem rises to the top and then the branches grow out in numbers. Similarly, we can interpret a family tree as a generic tree where a father is the root of the tree and all the offspring or children of him are branches of the tree.

A family tree is a graphical representation of how our maternal or paternal lineage has been carried from one generation (from ancestors)  to other generations (grandson and granddaughters). 

Blood Relations Categories

The blood relation reasoning questions can broadly be defined in between these two categories:

  1. Maternal Relatives: – Relationships that are established from the mother’s side of the family lineage are called maternal relatives.

For example, 


Name Of The Relation

Father of the mother

Maternal grandfather

Mother of the mother

Maternal grandmother

Brother of the mother

Maternal Uncle

Sister of the mother


Children of the maternal uncle or aunt


Wife of maternal uncle

Maternal Aunt

Husband of maternal aunt


  1. Paternal Relatives: – Relationships that are established from the father’s side of the family lineage are called paternal relatives.

For example,


Name Of The Relation

Father of the father


Mother of the father


Brother of the father


Sister of the father


Children of aunt or uncle


Wife of uncle


Husband of aunt


Blood Relation Reasoning Questions

Category 1. Deciphering Relations from Jumbled-Up Descriptions

In this category of blood relation verbal reasoning questions, there is one individual that is giving information about some other individual or a photograph from a family picture. The examiner wants you to establish the relationship between the individual given and the individual who is in the photograph.

Example. A lady is pointing toward a man and says “His mother is the only daughter my mother has got”. How is that lady in a relationship with the man? 

  • Mother
  1. Daughter
  2. Sister
  3. Aunt

Solution. Let the mother of that man be “m”.

According to the lady, “m” is the only daughter of her mother.

This means that the lady is the only child of her mother.

And, that lady is the mother of that man.

Hence, Option a is correct.

Category 2. Relation Puzzles

In this category of blood relation verbal reasoning questions, there is more than a piece of information that is given about the person in the form of complex puzzles.

Example. Akansha is the niece of Prakash’s mother. Akansha’s mother is Prakash’s aunt. Danish is Akansha’s mother’s brother. Danish’s mother is Akansha’s grandmother.

Illustration1. Danish’s mother is _________ to Akansha’s mother.

    1. Aunt
  • Mother
  1. No relation
  2. Sister

Illustration2. Prakash’s and Akansha’s mother are

    1. Cousin sister
    2. Sister-in-law
    3. Friends
  • Sisters

Illustration3. Danish is Prakash’s ________.

    1. Brother
    2. Brother-in-law
  • Uncle
  1. Cousin brother

Solution. 1. Danish’s mother is a mother to the mother of Akansha.

Solution. 2. Prakash’s mother and Akansha’s mother are sisters by relationship.

Solution. 3. Danish is the uncle of Prakash.

Category 3. Coded Relations

In this category of blood relation verbal reasoning questions, there will be situations of relationships among family members plotted and described in a logical way with the help of codes and certain symbols. The examiner wants the students to decode the conditions encrypted in the form of special symbols and find out the relationship between two individuals.


(i) ‘P * Q’ signifies that ‘P is the father of Q’.

(ii) ’P – Q’ signifies that ‘P is the sister of Q’.

(iii) ‘P + Q’ signifies that ‘P is the mother of Q’.

(iv) ‘P / Q’ signifies that ‘P is the brother of Q’.

Illustration1. In the statement B + D * M / N, what is the relation between M and B?

  1. Granddaughter
  2. Son
  3. Grandson
  4. Granddaughter
  5. None of the above relations

Illustration2. Which of the following expressions shows the accurate representation of ‘J is the son of F’?

  1. J + R – T * F
  2. J + R – T / F
  3. J + M – N * F
  4. Cannot be determined with insufficient information
  5. None of the above

Illustration3. Which of the expressions represent ‘R is the niece of M’?

  1. M / K * T – R
  2. M – J + R – N
  3. R – M * T / W
  4. Cannot be determined with insufficient information
  5. None of the above

Solution. 1. (c) M is the grandson of B.

Solution. 2. (e) None of the above

Solution. 3. (b) M – J +R – N


Family Tree questions are usually called the blood relation reasoning questions because it depicts the great importance of the relationship that one individual of a family with many numbers lineage share with the other individual of the same family. It is pretty evident from the above examples and blood relation verbal reasoning questions that family tree questions aren’t as difficult and it’s not impossible to decode illustrations. Using tricks and practicing proper time management can aid in solving complex family tree questions


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Who do we call a co-brother?

A co-brother is the husband of the spouse’s sister.


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A co-sister is the wife of the spouse’s brother.