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An Idea On Number Classification Questions

The various types of numbers are very helpful in day to day life. Understand the classification of the number to solve various issues. Read out the entire article to get the details.

A set of letters and numbers is offered in number classification and sorts of numerical reasoning questions. To represent alphabetical values and their positions, letters in a group, like numbers, obey mathematical operations/rules and create a group. Candidates must choose an option that does not belong to the same category as the others. So, to improve your performance in competitive exams, start practising with number classification problems. You can practice these questions and answers further to improve your performance in the classification topic. This is what will help you improve your maths skills and, in turn, help you do well on the exam.

What are Numbers?

A number is a fundamental concept in mathematics. Counting, measuring, keeping things in order, indexing, and so on are all done with numbers. Natural numbers, whole numbers, rational and irrational numbers, integers, real numbers, complex numbers, even and odd numbers are examples of different numbers based on their qualities. We can determine the answer by applying the fundamental arithmetic operations on integers. Before the advent of numbers, tally marks were used. Let us now introduce the concept of numbers and learn about the many types of numbers.

Consecutive Numbers 

Numbers that follow each other in sequence from the smallest to the greatest are consecutive. They normally feature a one-digit gap between each pair of integers.


Integers are numbers that are both positive and negative. The letter Z is used to denote all numbers. Integers abound on a number line. Negative numbers can be found on the left side, whereas positive integers can be found on the right. Don’t forget the 0 in the middle! Integers sound intriguing, don’t they? Integer Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Integers, Euclid’s Division Lemma, and Euclid’s Division Algorithm are other parts of integers. 

Z =…, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,….

Natural Number And Whole Number 

A natural number is always larger than zero and is a non-negative integer. It is denoted by the letter N. As part of comprehending this concept, we will learn about the many features of natural numbers. There are no decimal or fractional parts in the whole number now. It denotes that it reflects the entire thing in its entirety. It is denoted by the letter W, and every whole number is a natural number.

Complex Numbers 

A complex number can be written as (a + bi), with a and b as real integers and I as the equation’s solution x2 = 1. I am referred to as an imaginary number since no real number can satisfy this equation. There is a real part and an imaginary part to complex numbers. Do you believe that Complex numbers are truly complex? So, let’s take a closer look at them to see what we can learn. We cover various topics in this section, including Complex Numbers – Plane Points; what is a Complex Number that is a Point in the Plane? Magnitude and Argument, Iota Powers, Complex Number Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication of Complex types of Numbers, Conjugate of a Complex Number, Division of Complex Numbers, and Addition, Subtraction, and Interpretation of |z1-z2|

Prime Factorization

We can write any integer as a product of prime components using prime factorisation. It’s a formula for expressing a number as the sum of its prime components. To prime factorise a number, you must split it into its prime factors.  Study concepts like Divisibility, GCD, and LCM. Also, look at how prime factorisation is used in different situations.

Factors and Multiples

In this course, the two most important topics are factors and multiples. In mathematics, factors are the numbers that completely divide a given number without leaving any residue. In contrast, multiples are the numbers multiplied by the other number to obtain specified values.

Important Notes

    • Natural numbers start at one and go all the way up to infinity.

  • All Whole numbers are natural numbers that start at zero and go up from there.

  • Every whole number is a natural number.

  • Positive and negative numbers, as well as zero, make up integers.

  • Integers, fractions, and ratios make up rational numbers, which have the form p/q.

  • Fractions and ratios are not used to express irrational numbers.

Natural numbers, whole numbers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers are all examples of real numbers, and also every whole number is a natural number.


Numbers are how we keep everything in order. We keep track of how much money we have. We use a distance metre. To represent a sale, we use percentages. Whether it’s whole numbers, rational numbers, or the first form of numbers we’ll look at, real numbers, numbers are an important aspect of our daily lives. Numbers help to solve a lot of issues easily. You cannot imagine life without numbers. All you need to do is, understand when and where to use the numbers, which will help you solve the problems easily and help you learn maths and become an expert.


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