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Alphanumeric Series

Competitive tests and aptitude rounds are at a lot of different companies. Series and positional reasoning are all part of this type of reasoning.

Alphanumeric series questions are a mix of numbers, alphabets, and symbol-based series questions in which candidates must answer questions depending on the series they are presented with. There are usually 2-3 questions in the reasoning part of the different government tests that ask about the alphanumeric series. 

It is one of the most common subjects asked about in the different government exams. Because they are simple to answer, alphabetic series questions also score well and are among the most common types of logical reasoning alphanumeric series questions. Visit the website and scroll down to see a list of tests that cover this subject.

People use alphabetic numerals (also known as alphanumeric numerals) when adding or subtracting things with alphabetic letters. You might use upper- and lowercase letters, punctuation marks, and symbols if you write something. Alphanumeric series questions are often asked in competitive tests. 

Alphanumeric is a term for combining numbers and letters that people use. How often do you see alphanumeric series questions for bank exams? You can use symbols, punctuation marks, and capitalization in alphanumeric series questions for bank exams written in alphabetical order. Because these questions are so easy to answer, they significantly impact the reasoning part.

What do the Candidates Go For?

People who want to be bankers need to study alphabetic series themes for their entrance tests. Alphanumeric issues show up on every government test before it goes public. Online tests with alphanumeric sequences are widespread in exams for jobs at banks. This is true for IBPS, PO, SBI, SO, and other exams. Here, you’ll learn how to use alphanumeric series methods for bank tests.

Alphanumeric Password Usages

Alphanumeric passwords are more secure because they include both numbers and letters. This is what sites that ask for an alphanumeric password want us to do. 

Is it really that secret?

Computer programming is where the “secret” language comes into play. Alphanumeric characters are where this language is used.

  • First, let’s learn a few essential words used in these kinds of questions, like “followed, followed by, before, and after.”
  • Let’s look at the alphabets Y and Z to show you how it works. In this picture, the precedence of Y is shown. In this picture, the precedence of Z is shown. Also, Y comes after Z, and Z comes after Y.
  • In this case, let’s check out the alphabets of X and Y and Z. X and Y both come before Z, but Y comes right before Z while X doesn’t. Y and Z both follow X, but Y does so right away, while Z does not.

The alphabetical series: This will help you

You can break the pattern-based series when you look at the alphanumeric pattern. Most of these alphanumeric series questions for banks require a change in the pattern’s ascending or descending order.

Alphabets, numerals and symbols stay in a long line without any order. Check the questions and answer them right away.

In Competitive Government and Banking Exams: The Alphanumeric Series

The alphanumeric series curriculum is a big part of the reasoning section of banking exams. Those who are well-versed in the subject will have little trouble with the alphabetic series questions.

If you make a mistake when trying to solve this problem, there is very little room for it to go wrong. Candidates who have already answered questions will be able to speed up their ability to answer alphanumeric series questions for banks in alphabetical order.

All of the Letters and Numbers in the Alphabet

Because computers communicate in “machine language,” you’ll have to write your instructions in numbers instead of an alphabet letter, so you’ll need to write them that way. As a result, programmers use numbers to show the letters of the alphabet instead of words. Binary coding is a way to show an alphanumeric character with just 0s and 1s. You may have seen or heard of it. 0s and 1s can be used to display any character on a computer. It is 01000001. The binary code for the letter “A,” for example, is 01000001.

A computer program can use the ASCII encoding scheme to show alphabetic letters. This is another tool that computer programmers use. ASCII stands for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Partial ASCII Table

There are three numbers in the ASCII table that you could use to represent the word “red.” They are the digits 82, 69, and 68. If they didn’t say the lower case, the correct number would be 114 101 100.

You might think, “I can type those numbers into my keyboard or number pad, and all I get are numbers!” If you’re right, that’s fine. Use a text-only program like Notepad to use the numbers as the ASCII code.

To learn about alphanumeric series issues, there are a lot of online questions and answers pdf about alphanumeric series issues. Candidates are asked to solve problems in reference books for bank exams and learn how to use the alphanumeric method.


A candidate’s ability to think is the most important thing to look at in a competitive test. Reassuring questions often ask about Alphanumeric Series. So to pass the competitive exams, you need to study the Alphanumeric series thoroughly, as it is one of the most crucial sections in the exam. To prepare yourself, you can solve more and more reasoning sections. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Bank Examination Preparation.

What do you mean by an alphanumeric series?

Ans. The alphanumeric series contains both alphabets as well as numbers. Alphanumeric series include letter variations like @, & and * etc. Alp...Read full

State the difference between alphanumeric and numeric.

Ans. The major difference between alphanumeric and numeric is that alphanumeric consists of letters and numbers. On the other hand, numerics only c...Read full

Name characters that are not alphanumeric.

Ans. Non-alphanumeric characters consist of all the characters except alphabets and numbers. Non-alphanumeric charac...Read full

What is an alphanumeric password?

Ans. An alphanumeric password contains both letters and numbers. Letters are required to be filled in both capital a...Read full