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All About Polygonal Seating Arrangement

This article deals in the area of reasoning, about the polygonal seating arrangement, and tricks to solve questions related to the seating arrangement. Read it here

The polygonal seating arrangement is a type of seating arrangement question in which people are asked to sit in a particular order, with some conditions specified. These questions can be tricky to solve, but with a few simple tricks, you can breeze through them! In this article, we will discuss how to quickly and easily solve polygonal seating arrangement problems. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on how to tackle tough seating arrangement questions!

What is the reasoning?

The reasoning is the way that you approach the polygonal seating arrangement problem. There are a few different ways to do this, but one of the most efficient is to start by drawing a diagram. This will help you to see the pattern and how the seats are arranged. Once you have drawn the diagram, start by counting the number of seats in the polygon. This will give you a starting point for working out the pattern.

What are the types of seating arrangement problems in reasoning?

There are different types of seating arrangement problems. The first one is a Linear seating arrangement, the second one is a circular seating arrangement, the third one is a polygonal seating arrangement and the fourth one is a concentric seating arrangement. These types of seating arrangement questions test the reasoning ability to find out where a particular person is sitting.

What is the polygonal arrangement?

The polygonal arrangement is a way of seating people in a specific order or pattern. The polygonal arrangement usually has a specific shape, such as a square, rectangle, or triangle. The polygonal arrangement can be used for both business and personal events. 

How to solve the polygonal seating arrangement problem?

There is a simple trick that can be used to quickly solve polygonal problems. The key is to draw the polygon on paper and then mark the chairs with numbers. The easiest way to do this is by numbering the chairs clockwise, starting with the bottom right chair. The first step is to determine how many people are sitting at each point in the polygon. This can be done by counting the number of people at each intersection. This process can be a little tricky, so it might be helpful to draw a diagram of the polygon. Once you have determined how many people are sitting at each point, you can start to place the people. The first person goes in the bottom right chair, then the next person goes in the top right chair, and so on. If there is an odd number of people, the last person goes to the bottom left chair. The final step is to determine who is sitting next to who. This can be done by counting the number of people in each row and column.

What is the sitting arrangement trick?

The sitting arrangement or polygonal arrangement is a type of question which is used in a test of reasoning to determine the individual’s place of seating. There is a simple way to solve polygonal seating arrangement questions quickly. This method is called the sitting arrangement trick. To use the sitting arrangement trick, you first need to identify the polygonal shape in the question. Once you have identified the polygonal shape, you can then use the following steps to solve the question. The polygonal shape in the question can be divided into smaller shapes. For example, the polygonal shape in the question can be divided into a triangle and a rectangle. The smaller shapes can then be arranged into larger shapes. In the example question, the triangle can be placed in the upper-left corner and the rectangle can be placed in the lower-right corner. The larger shapes can then be arranged into the polygonal shape in the question.

How to solve the seating arrangement puzzle quickly?

There is a simple way to solve polygonal seating arrangement questions. The reasoning behind this method is that by dividing the polygon into triangles, it becomes much easier to determine possible arrangements. This trick can be used for both two and three-dimensional polygonal seating arrangements. For two-dimensional polygonal seating arrangement problems, draw the polygon on a piece of paper and then divide it into triangles by drawing lines between the vertices. For three-dimensional polygonal seating arrangement problems, use a piece of paper to draw the polygon and then cut it out. This will create a three-dimensional model that can be easily divided into triangles. Once the polygon has been divided into triangles, it is possible to determine how many different seating arrangements are possible. This method can be used to quickly solve polygonal seating arrangement questions and is a great tool for test-takers who want to save time.


In the area of reasoning, seating arrangement questions are one of the important aspects. These problems can be related to the seating arrangement in different ways like linear, circular, concentric or polygonal arrangements. The problem with seating arrangement questions is that in examination it has to be solved very quickly. For this one should know how to solve the seating arrangement puzzle quickly. It can be done by knowing seating arrangement tricks for questions related to the seating arrangement. These types of questions form a basic part of aptitude tests conducted for various examinations.


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