Decimal fraction:
In a fraction, Denominators that are having a power of 10 are called the Decimal fraction. A power of 10 means 10, 100,1000, 10000 and so on.
Convert 0.4 into decimal fractions?
To convert 0.4 into decimal fractions, simply try to write the denominator as a power of 10. This is the first step for you to look into. So let’s make the denominator as a power of 10.
We will get 4/10. This is the decimal fraction of the number 0.4.
Types of Decimal fractions:
- Terminating Decimals: Terminating or non-recurring decimals means which do not repeat. Example: 0.76, 0.25 etc.
- Non-terminating repeating decimals:
Decimals which are having a set of values repeating. Example: Rational numbers 0.314314314 etc.
- Non-terminating non-repeating decimals:
These are the decimal numbers that repeat endlessly with no group of digits.
Example: Irrational numbers ( 2)½ = 1.4142135……
Steps to convert Decimal to fraction:
Step 1: Write down the decimal number and write it in the form of a fraction that is in the form of numerator and denominator.
Example: let the number be 0.75. Now convert this into the form of a fraction that is (75/100). That’s; this is the first step.
Step 2: Now make the denominator value reach the value of the power of 10; if the denominator value is not a power of 10. (A power of 10 means 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and so on.)
Example: let the number be ¾. Now convert the denominator value to a power of 10 which is 100 Let’s multiply 25 in both numerator and denominator so that we can get the denominator value 100.
We have; ¾ = 3 × 25 / 4 × 25 = 75/100.
Step 3: Simplify this into fractions.
For example: let 75/100 is the output of the second step. Now let’s simplify this value to a fraction we will get 3/ 4.
Some solved Questions with Decimal fractions:
Q1) Convert the following decimal into a fraction
- 0.25
- 0.04
- 1.2
To convert 0.25 into a fraction let’s follow the steps:
Step 1: Write the decimal number in the form of a fraction that is 25/100.
Step 2: Now make the denominator value reach the value of the power of 10; if its denominator value is not a power of 10.
We have the denominator value from step 1 is 100 (which is a power of 10). So we got 25/100.
Step 3: Simplify this into a fraction that is 25/100 = ¼.
This is the final value formed by converting decimal value 0.25 to fraction ¼.
To convert 0.04 into a fraction let’s follow the steps:
Step 1: Write the decimal number in the form of a fraction that is 4/100.
Step 2: Now make the denominator value reach the value of the power of 10; if its denominator value is not a power of 10.
We have the denominator value from step 1 is 10 (which is a power of 10). So we got 4/100.
Step 3: Simplify this into a fraction that is 4/100 = 1/25.
This is the final value formed by converting decimal value 0.04 to fraction 1/25.
To convert 1.2 into a fraction let’s follow the steps:
Step 1: Write the decimal number in the form of the fraction that is 12/10.
Step 2: Now make the denominator value reach the value of the power of 10; if its denominator value is not a power of 10.
We have the denominator value from step 1 is 10. So we got 12/10.
Step 3: Simplify this into a fraction that is 12/10 = 6/5
This is the final value formed by converting decimal value 1.2 to fraction 6/5.
Steps to convert fraction Into decimal:
Step 1: Write the fraction value and make the denominator value reach the value of the power of 10; if the denominator value is not a power of 10. (A power of 10 means 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and so on.)
Example : 5/4 = 125 / 100
Step 2: Write the decimal value.
Example: 125/100 = 1.25 (Ans)
Some solved Questions with Decimal fractions:
Q1) Convert the following fraction into decimal
- 5/200 litre of water
- 2/3 kilograms of rice
To convert 5/200 litre of water into a decimal let’s follow the steps:
Step 1: Write the fraction value and make the denominator value reach the value of the power of 10; but here we have to convert to litre so let’s make the denominator value to 1000. Now 5/200 will be 25/1000.
Step 2: To write the decimal value first, 25/1000 = 0.025 litre (Answer)
To convert 2/5 kg of rice into a decimal let’s follow the steps:
Step 1: Write the fraction value and make the denominator value reach the value of the power of 10; so multiplying 2 in numerator and denominator we will get,
Step 2: To write the decimal value first, 4/10 = 0.4 kg (Answer)
Now we can convert the decimal values to fraction value and fraction value to decimal value by following the steps.